How Do Birds Show Affection to Humans? (Explained)

Flapping wings, or flying towards you out of excitement are the most common gestures of affection a bird shows. This indicates that they have missed you a lot while you were gone. This is also a way of signaling that they are longing for your attention.ย 

However, there are many other ways through which a bird expresses excitement and happiness. 

Here we have listed 8 such behaviors that show your pet bird loves and trusts you.

1. Soft Vocalisation

Birds often communicate in soft vocals and it is being said that this soothing and gentle vocal is meant for showing affection to humans. If you are considering parrots, they can be too loud, but they can also produce varying sounds such as chirping, low chattering, purring, etc. If they produce a mellow sound, then it indicates that they are relaxed and content. If you are petting them, you can also hear low soothing vocals from the birds.

2. Licking

It might sound odd, but birds do like their favorite human just like a dog. Birds show love by licking with their tongue. They show affection by licking your lips, face, and even clothes. This activity is also considered to be a way of marking territory. It has been seen birds can become particular about marking territory even with their favorite person.

3. Regurgitation of Food

Birds show their love to the pet owner by regurgitating the food on you. This is a sharing gesture and also their way of showing love and care. So, if you find your pet bird is offering you food, then it is a way of gifting you something they like. It is their way of showing your love and affection towards you.

4. Rubbing their Beak

If a pet bird is rubbing their beak against a human or bird owner, then it is an indication that they are showing affection. You can find birds rubbing their beak against flat surfaces to wipe their beaks after a meal. But if this gesture is shown on your clothes, then it is an indication that they want your attention. It is a way of nudging you and asking you to play with them. if you are wearing soft clothes, they might show this gesture more often. 

5. Preening

Preening is a very common behavior seen among birds and it is a way of communicating and showing affection towards other birds. They would also use the same gesture for their favorite human. If you have a beard you might find them trying to groom you or nibbling on your hair to look for dirt and debris and picking them out. So, if you find a bird is preening you, then it indicates that it counts you among its flock mates and they care about your hygiene and cleanliness. 

6. Nibbling

When a bird is nibbling you or biting you it indicates that you have a special place in its heart. While petting the bird you may find it biting or nibbling you, which is a gesture that it loves you and doesn’t mean to hurt you. The parrot is simply trying to show its affection towards you. Moreover, nibbling is also an act of demonstrating attention-seeking behavior and this behavior increases when the bird gets jealous.

7. Cuddling

Some birds like cuddling and it is their natural way of showing affection. If you pick up the bird and cuddle and if the bir cuddles you back, then it is an indication that the bird loves you back. It may also come to you for comfort and ask for more cuddles. This gesture also demonstrates that the bird feels safe and protected around you. 

8. Eye Pinning

While petting the bird, look into its eyes. if you find that the eyes dilate or they look excited, then they love you. Eye pinning is a gesture where the pupils contract and they look very small when compared with the entire eyeball.  It is a very natural behavior seen in parrots and this gesture conveys the meaning that the bird loves you. You need to follow its body language cues to get a more specific answer. 

Why Does a Bird Mimics You?

If a bird, mostly a parrot, is trying to mimic or copy you, then it is a gesture that pays attention to your manners and your way of talking. Parrots choose to pick up things from the people they like and also learn new things from their surroundings. However, this is only possible if the parrot and you form a strong close bond. 

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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