Are Parakeets Smart? (Perfect House Birds for Families)

Parakeets, also known as Budgie, are smart. They are a specific parrot species that are identified as small-sized parrots and have slender bodies with long tail feathers. You can find 115 species that are being labeled as Parakeet.

Parakeets love attention and they are also wonderful pets. If you have small children at home or any other pet, these birds can adjust quite well. They are the perfect house bird you might be looking for. Moreover, they are affordable and create less mess when compared with other birds.

But, remember that you need to keep them with company so that they can thrive. So, if you are planning to bring home these smart creatures, then you must know about the pros and cons associated with being a Parakeet parent.

How Intelligent are the Parakeets?

Parakeets have a solid memory and have a very steep and quick learning curve. They quite easily learn to imitate speech sounds and can even recognize many statements easily and form general linguistic structures. 

They are also known as Smart Budgies and have great communication ability. Their intelligence indeed should be praised and they have the capability to provide countless hours of entertainment. They can create a diverse range of sounds and also follow instructions. Moreover, they can even replicate the sounds around them and also have a strong social connection.  

Are Parakeets Smarter than Cats and Dogs?

Both dogs and cats can perform various tasks and are known to be quite intelligent. They can follow instructions and are known to be great human companions. Similarly, parakeets are also intelligent and can be taught to perform various tasks. They are quite smart and pick up many skills. Most importantly, they can express themselves to their companion and can easily grasp directions and phrases. 

Parakeets can even easily take part in conversations and when compared with dogs, they can more easily comprehend new vocabulary. They also have comparatively good long-term and short-term memory when compared to cats. Moreover, birds like parakeets can also adapt to unfamiliar situations.

Perks of Having a Parakeet as a Pet

Here are the benefits of having a parakeet as a pet:

It Fits Your Home Size

Irrespective of your home size, these birds fit your room quite easily. They can get enough exercise even in a small room. You need to make your home bird-proof so that the bird can fly around peacefully. Moreover, you can also consult with a bird groomer to trim the feathers so that the mobility can be limited until it is trained. You can also get an adequate-sized cage but be careful of the spacing so that the bird does not get injured.

It can Keep You Entertained

Owing to its ability to mimic and talk in phrases, it will keep you entertained. You must know that only the males can talk, so you can bring a male parakeet and talk to him daily so that it can pick up the language. They usually have fast and high-pitched tones, so you would enjoy the time with them. Otherwise, even if you do not try to teach the bird to speak, still its chattering would keep you in good company.

Keeping it Engaged is Easy

You can easily keep the parakeet engaged by providing it with the right toys. Alternatively, you can also show the Parakeet on any show on TV, whatever feels better. You can also adjust a mirror for them as they love to talk to their mirror reflection or arrange a hollow toy for them to play with. They are quite low maintenance and try not to provide them with chewable items as high chances are that they will destroy it.

They are Socially Active

A parakeet would enjoy quality time with you and is less demanding. They would sit on your shoulders all day or might ask you to scratch their feathers. They would happily interact with your guests as they love social interaction. Moreover, they are also a nice topic to share with proud bird parents or bird owners. You can also join a bird community and make new friends or interact with like-minded people if you have a Parakeet as a pet.

Cons of Having a Parakeet as a Pet

  • A parakeet might be small in size, but often based on situations they can become quite loud. 
  • These birds keep on chit-chatting all day or chirping constantly. 
  • They have a short lifespan of about 8 to 12 years and it can be emotionally damaging.
  • They have a fragile health status and with a slight change in temperature or weather variation can get sick. 
  • A parakeet is also susceptible to problems like liver problems, which need prior attention and visiting the vet. 
  • You can’t stop their regular exercising routine, otherwise, they might fall sick.

Are Parakeets Good as Pets?

Parakeets are quite playful and can learn more than a hundred words. But, if you are planning to bring home only one parakeet, then you need to think otherwise, as they need good company daily. Also, you need to keep them mentally and physically healthy and happy. So, think before you leap, and based on your lifestyle you can own a parakeet. 

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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