Can Budgies Eat Bananas? (Unlocking the Mystery)

Yes, Budgies can eat bananas. These birds, commonly known as parakeets are not picky eaters, their diet consists of seeds and fruits, including bananas. Fruits can be offered to them at any time of the day and they would happily devour them.

Now, let’s get to know in what quantity you can give bananas to parakeets and what are the health benefits. 

Is Banana Good for Budgies?

Yes, bananas are a highly valued nutritional fruit, which are liked by Budgies. However, there are many parakeets who are quite picky, so you need to first understand whether your feathered friend likes bananas before adding them to the daily meal. 

If you want to avoid wastage of food, you have to introduce them to slow eating of bananas. This will help you to predict whether the bird would prefer to eat the fruit. You also need to check on its eating habits. Picky eaters usually do not want to try out new things. If you find that the budgie is refusing to eat the banana for the first time, then remove the fruit and bring it back the next day. 

Budgies might not instantly develop a liking for the banana but would gradually start to enjoy the fruit. If the bird refuses to eat the banana for 5 straight days, then it can be concluded that the parakeet dislikes bananas. So, you can stop trying to feed bananas to the bird.

Why Should You Feed Bananas to Budgies?

Bananas do have high nutritional value and it also has essential vitamins and minerals that the bird can use for its development and well-being. Here is the list of nutrients that a bird would intake with a single bite of banana:


Potassium is one of the primary nutrients that you can find in a banana. It has the capability to prevent stunted growth and also helps in the development process of young budgies. Postaasim keeps the kidneys healthy and also prevents kidney diseases.


Iron prevents the chances of anemia in birds and it should be an essential component of the daily diet of the bird. Also, iron helps in the formation of hemoglobin, which is an oxygen-carrying protein in the blood. 


Magnesium is an important source of energy and helps in the conversion of fat to energy. Budgies are highly active creatures, so they need a good amount of magnesium in their daily diet. This element also helps in keeping the muscles healthy through relaxing and contracting.


Antioxidants help in the reduction of cardiac disease and so it is essential for birds. It also prevents the sudden occurrence of heart illness which is followed by death. It ensures that the budgie’s heart remains healthy.

Vitamin A

If you want to prevent weight loss, swollen eyes, or overgrowth of the budgie, then provide them with bananas which contain Vitamin A

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps in the breakage of protein and also works against stunted growth and reduction in appetite. It also ensures that the egg remains healthy and supports through the egg production phase.

Vitamin C

If you want to enhance the immunity system of the budgie, then Vitamin C is required. This would also help in the development of antibodies and prevent infection. It also reduces stress and improves the mental health of the bird.

How Much Banana Should be Given to the Budgies?

Bananas can be given to the budgies regularly, but you need to measure the amount that you are about to give. The bird’s diet should not contain more than 20% of any kind of fruit, because too much of anything can lead to digestion problems. Do not exceed the 50-calorie mark initially for the budgies. A full-grown budgie or parakeet should be given about 100 g and a baby bird should have half the amount 50 g. You can feed the fruits once or twice a week or consult with a veterinary professional. 

Can You Give Bananas to Baby Budgies?

Bananas can be given to both adult and baby birds. However, the quantity differs. Baby birds should be fed bananas within strict moderation and the most essential supplement that they get is potassium. However, one must be careful that the bananas should not get stuck into the beak of the bird. This fruit helps the babyโ€™s growth process and the development of strong bones and joints.

Can Budgies Eat Banana Peels?

Budgies can eat banana peels without any digestive problems and it also ensures healthy growth of the baby, as the peel contains iodine. However, before you feed the banana peel to the budgie you have to clean it properly so that all the harmful chemicals are washed away. You can try to wash the banana with soda and vinegar to remove the toxins.

How to Provide the Banana to the Budgie?

An adult bird can eat the banana all alone, and you can give them the whole fruit after cutting it into regular pieces. Check that you are not overfeeding them and try to feed them with or without the peel. 

If it is summer, then you can provide them with a cold banana treat, which would be healthy as well as cool them off during a hot day. So, freeze it, and then before feeding the bird bring it out, cut it, and serve.

You can also try banana mash, using ripe bananas, but ensure that the banana is old enough. You can also prepare a smoothie for the young birds and it won’t even get stuck under the beak. Alternatively, you can also prepare a fruit salad, where you chop the bananas along with blueberries, and strawberries and present it to the budgie.

What are the Precautions to Maintain While Feeding Frozen Bananas to Budgie?

After you have taken out the bananas from the fridge, allow them to rest for a few hours before serving them to the parakeet, otherwise it poses a threat to choke the bird. You must always slice the frozen banana into pieces and always cut it into smaller pieces as after freezing the banana gets tough and it can create digestion problems.

Which Bananas Should You Choose For the Budgies?

You must always opt for organic bananas which are safe for the birds as these are devoid of chemical pesticides. On the other hand, industrial bananas can lead to digestive problems as these are cleansed with harsh chemicals that stack up on the peels, making the peels not fit for consumption for both adult and baby parakeets

What is the Consequence of Overeating Among Budgies?

If the budgies are overfed with bananas, then it can lead to –

Fructose Overdose 

Bananas contain a lot of fructose which makes them sweet, and if an excessive amount is consumed then it can lead to a problematic digestive system.


As already mentioned bananas contain a lot of sugar and if too much is consumed then it can lead to fat development after the conversion of the sugar. Adding to this, if the bird is unable to get enough exercise, then it can develop into obesity which is a real threat to its well-being.

Iron Disease

Even if iron is considered to be a good mineral, everything should be consumed with a limit. So, if iron is fed more often, then it can lead to iron storage disease, which eventually affects the growth and respiratory system of the bird, leading to heart disease.

Should You Consider Ripe or Unripe Banana?

You must consider ripe bananas which are easy to eat and digest. Alternatively, unripe bananas are also good for health as they contain more iron but these can exceed the mineral requirement amount of the parakeet. Also, unripe bananas are difficult to consume due to their sticky and tough nature.

Can You Feed Banana Chips to Budgies?

No, budgies should not be fed banana chips or dried bananas.

Which Food is Toxic for the Parakeet?

Certain foods are considered to be toxic for the budgies, such as avocado, alcohol, chocolate, onion, garlic, tobacco, and also certain household plants, such as philodendron.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
Articles: 249