Can Ducks Drown? Find Out Here!

Yes, ducks can drown. Ducks are birds, not aquatic creatures, so they cannot breathe underwater. When swimming or diving, they hold their breath, utilizing the oxygen gathered in their lungs. However, if a duck remains submerged for an extended period, it can drown. Ducks typically do not remain underwater for more than a minute, as they need to resurface to breathe. Thus, while ducks can swim and dive proficiently, they are still susceptible to drowning if submerged for too long.

So, it is time to understand why ducks can drown.

How Do Ducks Float on Water?

Ducks are seen floating on water owing to their feathers which collect air and create a floaty-like feature. The feathers have minuscule barbs which help them to trap air due to their interlocking structure. 

Can Ducks Dive Under the Water?

Ducks are natural swimmers and they can even dive under the water without getting drowned. They can stay underwater for a whole minute, but the time duration varies for certain breeds. Ducks store air inside the body, which is released when they dive under the water and then they come back to inhale air. 

They also do not dive too deep and can reach 65 feet on average owing to their compact wings and lobed feet which help them to propel. There are exceptions too, where the duck breed can only go a few feet and they are called Dabblers. 

When underwater, dabblers can hold their breath for 10 to 30 seconds and diving ducks can hold their breath for approx 58 seconds, with six separate dives. The period for which the duck can stay underwater also varies based on the size of the bird.

Why Do Ducks Go Underwater?

Diving ducks find their food underwater, so instead of going on and around the water, they go underwater. They live on the aquatic plants and invertebrates, insects, and small fishes found in the water. However, the diet of the ducks varies based on species, some are vegetarian while others eat mollusks, shellfish, sea worms, small fish, crustaceans, and more.

Can Ducks Breathe Underwater?

No, ducks cannot breathe underwater, rather they use the oxygen that they had breathed in while being on the land. The circulatory system of the duck is adapted to functioning at low oxygen and they also have a high tolerance for asphyxia.

How Fast Can a Duck Swim?

Ducks can swim underwater at a speed of 6 mph and it is faster than they take a dive and move underwater.

How Deep Pond Would Be Best for the Ducks?

If you want to dig up a pond for your ducks, then you do not need to dig up too deep. It will save time, and effort and also eliminate the chances of accidentally drowning any ducks.

How to Prevent Drowning of Duck?

If you find that a duck has dived underwater and it has been several minutes, then there is a high chance that it might have been drowned. To prevent such incidents, you have to check that a predator does not enter the duck coop. There should not be any object in the water which can tangle up the duck.

However, there are certain cases where you can do nothing about it as an adult duck can get drowned if their muscles are too weak and they fail to keep swimming. Also, if the water currents are too strong, then it can drag the duck down. Often a male duck can purposely drown ducklings as they find them to be a threat or during the extensive mating phase the female can get drowned. 

Can a Duckling Drown in a Pool?

If the duckling does not have their mother to teach them how to swim, or supervise, then they can drown. They are too young to understand the threats that come, through water currents and trapped debris in the water. Also, they lack the oil on the feathers which is necessary to prevent waterlogging. Moreover, natural calamities such as flooding, hurricanes, or any sudden change in the weather which is reflected in strong water currents can make a duckling, as well as adult ducks, drown.

When do Ducklings Learn to Swim?

Ducklings have the capability to swim right after they are born, as the mother duck transfers the oil to her offspring right after their birth which protects the feathers from being waterlogged. Ducklings need to get mature enough to be able to secrete their own oil, which would help them in swimming in water for hours.

Ducklings need their mother duck to support them, till the day they start producing oil which would keep them afloat, otherwise, their feathers would get soaked in water and they would drown. However, if they do not have a mother duck, then they need at least 8 to 12 weeks to develop their oil glands. After their oil gland gets mature, they too can go underwater.

Which Ducks Can Swim Underwater?

Dabbling ducks and diving ducks can swim underwater and this includes – mallards, teals, gadwalls, shovellers, and wigeons, for Dabblers. Eiders, buffleheads, scoters, long-tailed ducks, mergansers, stifftails, pochards, and more, in the list of diving ducks.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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