Can Ducks Eat Cherries? Unveiling the Benefits and Risks

Yes, ducks can eat cherries, but it’s crucial to remove the pits beforehand. Cherries contain cyanide in their pits, which can be toxic to birds if ingested. However, feeding cherries in moderation should generally not pose a problem as long as the pits are removed. 

Cherries can serve as a tasty treat for ducks, offering them a source of vitamins and minerals. It’s advisable to ensure a varied diet for ducks and not rely solely on cherries or any single food item.

So, let’s get to know whether you can feed cherries to the ducks daily and what are its benefits.

How to Introduce Cherry to a Duck?

When it is your first time introducing cherries to a duck, then wash the cherries for 5-10 minutes in water, remove the seeds, stems, and leaves, take a small piece of the cherry, and offer it to the duck. Repeat it for 2- 3 days and if the duck still doesn’t like it then stop trying, otherwise, repeat the same process and offer the cherry in a tray.

How Much Cherries Can You Give to the Duck?

You can provide cherries to the duck either weekly or monthly. 2 to 3 pieces would be ideal for the duck and it should be given occasionally.  

How Should You Offer Cherries to Ducks?

You should offer cherries to duck in a manner that they are safe when fed, such as –

  • You can provide fresh cherries, particularly during springtime, or mix them with other food as part of a regular balanced diet or supplement. 
  • You can make a fruit salad using alkaline food, such as carrots, peas, and broccoli, and add cherries to it. 
  • Remove the pits, make a cherry smoothie, and serve it in a bowl.

What are the Benefits of Feeding Cherries to Ducks?

Here are the nutritional benefits of feeding cherries to ducks:

Vitamin A and C

Cherries are considered to be a great source of Vitamin A and C and they are required for the well-being of the duck. Vitamin A helps to improve the immune system and maintain eyesight. Vitamin C helps in the absorption of nutrients and also supports the immunity system.


Dietary fiber should be included in the duck’s diet to improve the digestive system and cherries work wonders in this matter. The fiber in the cherries helps to prevent constipation by regulating bowel movement. Regular inclusion of cherries in the diet is known for keeping the digestive system healthy.


Antioxidants are meant for protecting cells of the body from getting damaged and cherries are rich in antioxidants. During metabolism, free radicals are produced which affect the cells and antioxidants act as a shield against these free radicals. Antioxidants also have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties which keep the duck healthy.

Keeps Feather Healthy

Cherries help in promoting healthy growth of the feathers and they also work in its maintenance. Feathers are needed for insulation and act as waterproofing so feeding cherries makes the feather healthy, and stronger and also ensures to keep functional plumage.

Weight Management

When a duck gets overweight it puts stress on their joints and organs. Cherries being low-calorie food help to maintain a balanced diet. However, it should not be overfeeding, a moderate amount of cherries can help to maintain a healthy weight and also prevent obesity.

Healthy Heart

Antioxidants are also beneficial for the cardiovascular system of the ducks and it works to reduce inflammation, promote good health, and keep the blood vessels healthy. Thus, cherries are crucial for a duck’s diet.

Immunity System

If a duck has a strong immunity system, then it can stay healthy and also eliminate the chances of infections and diseases. So, including cherries in their daily diet can support, strengthen, and boost the immune response of the duck.

Digestive System

Cherries are a good source of dietary fiber and they support digestion. It helps them to get a quick and easy digestive source of energy and is especially helpful during the cold and at times when there is increased physical activity.

Why Should Cherries Not be Overfed to Ducks?

There is a risk of overfeeding a duck, so you must consider the correct amount when incorporating cherries into the diet.

High Sugar Content

Cherries, if in dried form, have a lot of sugar content and thus there is a quick rise in sugar content. Also, the duck gains weight instantly, leading to health issues.

Choking Hazard

Cherries have pits that are small, and hard and if swallowed can lead to choking hazards. These can also clog the digestive tract and cause potential internal injury. You need to remove the pits before feeding cherries to ducks, otherwise it can cause discomfort.

Digestive Upset

You need to slowly feed cherries to the duck, otherwise, it can lead to digestive upset and ducks have a very sensitive digestive system. If cherries are not introduced gradually, then it can lead to diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues. So, after feeding cherries to ducks, it is necessary to monitor their activity and track their digestive health.

Allergic Reaction

Too much feeding on cherries can also lead to allergic reactions which can eventually lead to skin irritation, respiratory problems, and even digestive issues. So, keep a note on the health of the ducks, if they show any signs of allergy, immediately discontinue the cherries and take them to the veterinarian.

Risk of Cyanide Poisoning

Cherry pits can lead to choking issues and they also have small amounts of cyanide in them which if consumed in large quantities can lead to cyanide poisoning in ducks. Also, ducks have the capability to digest small amounts of cyanide, but if you want to minimize the risk, avoid cherry pits.

Can You Feed Cherries to Ducklings?

Yes, you can feed cherries to ducklings, but there are certain considerations that you must keep in mind. Cherries should not be the primary food source for the ducklings. They have specific dietary requirements that are meant for their development phase and cherries cannot provide those necessary nutrients. 

Cherries also do not have adequate protein and thus cannot help in muscle and tissue development. However, it can be given in small quantities as an occasional treat. 

Which Type of Cherries Unsafe for the Ducks?

Cherries might be tasty but there are certain types that you must avoid, such as – dried cherries, which have high sugar content, pitted cherries which cause choking, sour cherries which are acidic in nature, black cherries which have amygdalin, and cherry tree leaves have cyanide. 

You must also avoid moldy cherries as they often have fungal growth, canned cherries as they contain chemicals and preservatives and green cherries as they are unripe and can lead to stomach disruption.

What Other Fruits Can Be Given to Ducks?

Ducks can be given berries such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. These are filled with vitamins, and minerals and also have antioxidant properties. Berries are also tasty and filled with nutrition. However, before serving them to the ducks, you need to wash them properly to remove the pesticides or any other residues.

Can you Give Citrus Fruits to Ducks?

Ducks should not be given citrus fruits as these can be too acidic, causing digestive problems for the ducks, such as stomach upset and discomfort.

Can You Give Yogurt to Ducks?

Yes, you can give yogurt to ducks as these are highly beneficial and can be offered in limited quantities. Yogurts provide probiotics that keep the gut healthy and also assist in digestion. However, always go for plain yogurt and never add artificial additives or sweeteners to it. You can either mix yogurt with the regular feed or provide it as an occasional treat.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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