Can Ducks Eat Whole Corn? (What You Need to Know)

Yes, you can feed ducks corn. But some duck owners suggest that cracked corn might be a preferable option for ducks as it is easier for them to digest.

So, let’s get to know about the benefits of feeding corn to ducks, how safe it is, and in what amount it should be fed.

Are Cracked Corns Good for Ducks?

Yes, corn is good for ducks as it is easier to feed and also has nutritional benefits. Here is a list of health benefits that your duck can achieve from cracked corn.

Keeps the Eyes Healthy

Corns are filled with immense nutrition which keeps the ducks and any other birdโ€™s eyes healthy. They have various nutrients and vitamins such as magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and calcium which are good for the eyes.

Good for Heart 

Whole grains, such as corn, are packed with essential nutrients and full of vitamin B, potassium, and vitamin A which help in brain function, boost the immune system, and reduce the chances of heart disease.

Promotes Digestive Health 

Corns also support in maintaining digestive health, as it is an insoluble fiber that works against constipation and hemorrhoids in ducks.

Disadvantage of Feeding Corn to Ducks

Feeding too much of any food items has a disadvantage on the health of the ducks, such as:


Corns have something called antinutrients which can block the duckโ€™s absorbing system from functioning properly. Thus, ducks are unable to absorb zinc, iron, vitamin, or any mineral, leading to suffering from deficiency. The only way out is to feed the ducks a balanced diet and corn in moderate proportion.


If corn is kept in a damp and humid area then it develops mold which produces mycotoxins. Thus, if such corn is fed to the ducks, then it can lead to mycotoxin poisoning, damaging the DNA and also causing severe illnesses such as cancer.

Corn Intolerance

There are some ducks who have gluten intolerance and are unable to eat corn. But, it becomes difficult to spot such a duck. So, after you feed corn, you need to monitor their digestive process. If they show symptoms of lethargy, weight loss, and blotting, then they are intolerant to corn and you must immediately stop feeding them.

Which Corn is Better Cracked Corn or Whole Corn?

Usually cracked corns are preferred, but if you are providing them with whole corns, then grind them well and turn them into smaller bits, otherwise, it can lead to difficulty in eating and digestive problems. Also, ducks prefer not to eat whole corn, so cracked corn is mostly given in feed. 

Cracked corn can also be easily fed to the ducks as they do not create any digestive issues or choking. You can also provide them with dried corn or corn husk, as these have healthy curbs and fibers giving them nutritional benefits.

Ducks can eat corn on the cob but they face swallowing and digestion issues. Sweet corn can also be provided to the ducks, even though it has high sugar content, but it is safe and digestion-friendly. Alternatively, you can also feed deer corn to the ducks which are similar to feet corn but have been cleaned twice.

Which Corn Should Not be Given to Ducks?

You must not provide them with canned corn or popcorn as these contain additives, such as extra salt which are harmful to ducks. Also, they have less nutritional value and unnecessary carbs. You must also avoid corn kennels as they are difficult to digest and can lead to a risk of choking. If you find corn chips, they should also be avoided as these are not meant or prepared for animal consumption.

How Much Corn Should Be Provided to a Duck?

Ducks need a balanced diet and overfeeding can cause health issues. Also, the amount of corn to be fed to a duck depends on age, size, and activity level. Corn can act as a supplement but never as a replacement for a balanced diet.

So, here are the considerations that you need to make while feeding calls to a duck:


Corns are safe for ducklings but their digestive systems are quite sensitive, so you should have a strict feeding schedule and also avoid feeding them until they are 6 weeks of age. Corn does not have the nutrients that a duckling requires, so it is recommended to feed once every 2 weeks.

Adult Duck

For a mature or adult duck, corn can be a source of protein and nutrients as they require 16% protein in their diet. You can give a quarter pound of corn every day to an adult dark.

Why Corn is Not Recommended for Ducks?

Young ducks or ducklings do not have a mature digestive system so they face problems while digesting corn, leading to digestive issues and discomfort. They also need enzymes, such as amylase, to break down the whole corn, help in its digestion, and retrieve the nutrients from it. Ducklings do not have sufficient quantities of enzyme production so they might struggle in digestion or extracting the nutrients from the whole corn.

Corn also does not have the capacity to provide a balanced nutrient to a duckling. It lacks minerals and certain vitamins which are crucial for the development and growth process of a duckling, so simply relying on corn can lead to malnutrition in young ducks.

Which is the Best Corn for Ducks?

Dwarf wildlife corn is the best source of food plot nutrition and can be easily fed to ducks.

Can Ducks Eat Bread?

Bread should not be given to ducks as these are part of junk food. Also, they have no nutritional value and might lead to malnutrition or digestive problems.

What Food Does a Duck Usually Prefer?

Ducks on a daily basis prefer fresh vegetables that include peas, cucumbers, beans, cabbage, and broccoli. They also eat grass, small fish, and weeds from the pond. Some seeds can also be given to ducks due to their high nutritional value. These water birds can also eat grains, rice, oats, and carrot pieces.

How Much Food Does a Duck Need Everyday?

An adult duck needs 4 to 6 ounces of feed per day. However, the amount varies based on the time of the year. Ducks tend to eat more in winter and less in summer. Also, they need a clean supply of water as they use about 1 liter of water a day for drinking. They also need water to keep their bills, feet, eyes, and feathers in good condition. 

Which Items Should be Avoided as a Duck Food?

Popcorn, raw potato, spinach, avocado, onion, nut, citrus food, bread, or bread-like products, should be avoided while feeding a duck.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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