Can Parakeets Eat Sunflower Seeds? (MUST Know!)

Yes, parakeets can have sunflower seeds as they have many nutritional benefits and it is also their favorite snack. Remember any food item given in moderation does not do any harm to the health of the bird, also they are able to get the daily required nutrients.

So, let’s get to know more about feeding sunflower seeds to parakeets and how much should be fed.

What is the Benefit of Feeding Sunflower Seed to Parakeet?

Sunflower seeds are rich in minerals, such as magnesium, which help to reduce blood pressure and directly reduce the chances of heart disease or any other blood issues. It also has fatty acids which reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, protecting the bird from long-term health problems, such as high cholesterol. Sunflower seeds have enough essential fatty acids which are good for growth maintenance, repair, and molting.

It also has the presence of vitamin E which is anti-inflammatory and keeps the bird happy, stress-free, and without any inflammation. Sunflower seeds also have a lot of vitamins and minerals including copper, vitamin B1, and zinc. Sunflower seeds should not be the staple food but rather a snack or an extra treat. You can mix them up with the daily diet of the parakeets, which consists of fresh fruits and vegetables.

What are the Types of Sunflower Seeds?

Sunflower seeds are of two types: black oil and striped. The black oil sunflower seed is easy to eat and easy to crack open. Also, the kernel has high-fat content, so feeding these to Parakeets during the winter season proves to be highly beneficial. Whereas, the striped sunflower seeds have thicker shells and are harder to be cracked open.

What is the Risk of Overfeeding Sunflower Seeds to Parakeets?

Sunflower seeds have a lot of cadmium which they draw from the soil. If too many sunflower seeds are fed to the Parakeet, then the cadmium quantity increases in the body causing health problems. Though cadmium poisoning is rare, if it happens then the bird can experience a sudden death. 

It also has high calories and if too many calories add up in the body, it can cause pain and stomach discomfort. Eating too many sunflower seeds can develop fatty liver disease, leading to heart attack and stroke, and also calcium deficit leading to weak bones, egg binding, and brittle nails.

How to Provide Sunflower Seeds to Parakeets?

You can buy formulated sunflower seeds which are manufactured for parakeets from any reliable and quality store. These seeds are quite different from the ones that humans can consume as they are not at all salted and do not have any added preservatives. You can give this as an occasional treat to the parakeet and only a few sunflower seeds would provide you with wonderful results.

Can Parakeets Eat Linoleic Sunflower Seeds?

The most commonly available are the linoleic sunflower seeds which are safe and also you can choose from a lot of variety. These are made for both humans and birds and have the lowest oil and fat content. You can easily find them and also one of the best seeds to be fed to a parakeet.

Can You Feed High Oleic SunflowerSeeds to Parakeets?

No, high oleic sunflower seeds should be avoided while considering feeding the parakeet. These have high fatty acid content and when compared, ordinary sunflowers are much better for the health and well-being of the bird.

Can You Feed Sunflower Oil Seeds to Parakeets?

No, sunflower oil seeds are made for making oil, so these are one of the high-fat content varieties among the sunflower seeds. They are not widely available in the market and won’t be easy to find, so sunflower oil seeds are best to avoid.

What are the Other Seeds You Can Feed a Parakeet?

In moderation, you can feed other types of seeds to a Parakeet, such as millet, oats, pumpkin, watermelon, wheat, hemp, pomegranate, barley, and oats. However, while providing the seed you need to periodically cycle the parakeet’s diet, as all the seeds do not have the same nutritional value. So, if you are feeding the same variant daily, it can lead to nutritional deficiency in the bird.

How Much Fat 100 g of Sunflower Seed Contains?

A 100 gram sunflower seed contains 51 grams of fat which is unsaturated and known as good fat. The sunflower is a source of energy due to its high calorie content, but it lacks other micronutrients and vitamins and overconsumption can lead to overweight or obesity.

How do Birds Digest the Seeds?

Based on the crop of the bird, they store the seeds and then transfer them to the muscular gizzard, where the seeds are grounded, including the shell, and then turn into a digestible form. 

What is the Basic Need of a Parakeet?

The basic need of a healthy parakeet is a balanced diet, consisting of fruits and vegetables, shelter, daily baths, a clean environment, daily activities, and a proper shelter. The daily diet of a parakeet should consist of 75 to 80% of Pellets, 20 to 25% of fruits, vegetables and nuts, and occasional treats.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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