Can Parrots Eat Beets? (Must Read Before Feeding)

Beetroot is a nutrient-rich vegetable that has essential minerals and vitamins. Yes, you can feed beetroot to parrots, and its key ingredients, vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, and fiber, make it an advantageous food item. It helps boost the immune system, supports digestion, and promotes good heart health.

Still confused?

Let’s get to know about how much beetroot you can feed cockatiels and what are the risks associated with it.

What is Beetroot?

Beetroot is also known as Beta vulgaris, a vegetable rich in color, flavor, sugar content, and oxalate. It is suitable for both humans and birds, due to their nutritional composition.

What are the Benefits of having Beetroot?

Beetroot has all the essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C which helps to boost the immune system, and the minerals, potassium, magnesium, and iron, contribute to vital body functions. Beetroots being a good source of fiber help in digestion and also promote gut health. It keeps the digestive system functional and healthy. 

It also has antioxidants, such as betalains and anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties promoting a healthy lifestyle for parrots. Beetroots have natural sugar so it helps to meet the sugar requirement of a bird.

Can You Feed Raw Beet to Cockatiels?

You can provide both raw or cooked beetroot to parrots and the taste and texture depends on how you are preparing it. Some cockatiels love to munch raw beets while if they are picky eaters, then cooked beets can be more appreciated.

What are the Concerns of Feeding Beetroot to Parrot?

You should be aware of the negative side of feeding a beetroot to a parrot:

High Sugar Content

Beetroot is a natural sweetener with high sugar content, so it can deteriorate the parrot’s health leading to obesity and other health issues. Thus, it is advised to provide beetroots in adequate quantities along with vegetables and other fruits to the cockatiels.


The beetroots that are grown conventionally have traces of pesticides which are toxic to the parrot. It can lead to digestive problems and also affect the organs if ingested in large amounts. So, opt for only organic beetroot and always wash the beetroot properly before serving the parrots.

Oxalate content

The oxalate content of beetroot prohibits calcium absorption affecting the bones and deformities in the limbs. It also leads to the formation of kidney damage and kidney stones in birds.

How Can You Prepare a Healthy and Safe Beetroot for Parrots?

You can boil the beet without any seasoning and salt, and cut the beets into smaller and manageable portions, so that the parrots can easily pick them up in their beak and swallow it, without any choking hazards. Mix the beets with green veggies, fruits, nuts, and grains, and then serve.

Monitor the parrotโ€™s reaction, if you have recently introduced a beet to parrots. Observing their reaction and also their health, the bird might enjoy the beet as a snack or even as a regular diet. The choice varies from individual to individual, and you need to gradually introduce the beetroot.

If the bird refuses to eat the beet for 3 days, then stop trying. There are certain cockatiels that are allergic to beetroots, so if the bird is showing any symptoms of difficulty in breathing, lethargy, or change in feces, consult with the veterinarian and remove the vegetable from the diet.

What are the Foods You Can Mix with Beet?

To provide a well-balanced diet to the parrot, you can mix fruit, vegetables, and grains, such as apples (without the seed), sunflower seed, greens, along with beet. You can also add complementary food, such as turnip greens, kale, and spinach. Offer them either raw or cooked vegetables to add different flavor and texture to their everyday meal.

If you are offering beets as a treat, then you need to provide them with a minimal amount. Also, train and implement positive reinforcement so that the parrot does not overfeed beetroots.

Can Parrots Eat Beetroot Stalks?

Yes, parrots can consume a small amount of beetroot stalks, but there are certain precautions that need to be maintained. Usually, the stalk is tough and harder for the bird to digest, so it should be chopped into pieces and made manageable for easy to eat and digest. It can be offered as part of an occasional treat to the birds.

Can Parrots Eat Beetroot Leaves?

Yes, you can give beetroot leaves to parrots, but still in marginal content. These are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and other minerals, such as iron and calcium, but they also have a high quantity of oxalate content,  which inhibits the bird from absorbing calcium. So, consulting with an avian veterinarian is recommended before introducing beetroot leaves.

How Often Should You Feed Beet to Parrots?

Beet can be part of an occasional treat for the parrot. In general, once or twice a week and in small amounts is enough to serve them in a single feeding. It should be well-rounded with other vegetables, fruits, seeds, and pellets. 

Never make it their staple diet and also try to minimize the risk of overloading them with the nutrients of beet. Keep monitoring and observing the change in digestion health or behavior of the cockatiels. If you notice any abnormality, immediately take personal guidance from the veterinarian.

Can You Provide Beetroot Juice to Parrots?

Yes, you can provide a small amount of fresh beetroot juice to the parrots, but it should be diluted in water. Pure beetroot juice is highly concentrated, which is not suitable for the digestive system of the bird. 

You need to add just a few drops in water instead of a large quantity as the flavor and color might be overwhelming for the cockatiels. Also, beetroot juice has a high sugar content, even if you dilute it, so it should be an occasional treat and not part of a regular diet.

Keep an eye on the bird and if you notice any kind of abnormal behavior, immediately respond to it by taking them to the veterinarian. Also, you need to prepare the beetroot juice fresh and not allow it to sit longer to prevent spoilage.

Can You Provide Cooked Beets to Parrot?

Yes, after you cook the beetroots, it becomes soft and it can be easily digested. So, you can either try to boil it, steam it, or roast it, but do not put any kind of seasoning, sauce, spices, or oil. Even if you are cooking it, you must cut it into small portions, so that the bird can pick it up in their beak. After cooking, cool it down and wait for it to match the room temperature, before serving the food to the parrot. The cooked beetroot should be balanced with vegetables, fruits, and seeds.

Can you Feed Beetroot to Birds with Anaemia?

Yes, you can feed beetroots to birds with anemia as it has folic acid or Vitamin B9 content which supports the birds with solid deficiency of iron causing egg binding. Beets are one of the highest folate-content foods, making them a desirable choice to cure anemia in parrots. 100 grams of beet contains 0.8 mg of iron which adequately fulfills a bird’s requirement of iron supplement.

Does a Beet Provide Good Carbs to Cockatiels?

Yes, beet provides a good curb to cockatiels, which is a beneficial nutrient. It has a low glycemic index and there is no LDL cholesterol level spike seen as it contains only 8% to 10% carbs. 

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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