Can Parrots Eat Cauliflower? (Answered)

Yes, you can give cauliflowers to parrots. This is a healthy food that is full of rich vitamins, and nutrients and contains magnesium, phosphorus, fibers, and antioxidants. If you want to provide something new other than pellets, then you can include cauliflower in their regular food.

Let’s get to know what are the benefits of feeding cauliflower to parrots and in what amount it should be given.

Why Should You Feed Cauliflower to Parrots?

Cauliflower belongs to the same family as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and it is a white vegetable. One cup of cauliflower provides 25 calories. It is counted among the super healthy food items and it is beneficial for parrots as it keeps them fuller for a longer time. 

Also, it has many health benefits, including a variety of vitamins, making it a nutritious serving and part of their staple diet. It is low in calories and high in minerals and has antioxidant properties. So, the parrot won’t gain weight even if you provide it with a daily meal of cauliflower.

What are the Nutritional Benefits of Cauliflower?

You can provide cauliflower, either cooked or raw, and here are the benefits that you would provide to the parrot. 


Cauliflower contains Vitamin C, K, and B6 and most of the vitamins are not produced by the parrots. So, cauliflower is indeed a good source of external vitamins for them. Vitamin C helps to stabilize the blood sugar level and also controls the cholesterol level. Thus, if the parrot goes through any injury it can show speedy recovery due to the vitamin intake. 

Vitamin K helps to make the bones strong and reduces the fatigueness of the parrot as it has to stand for a long time. Vitamin B6, though found in traces in cauliflower, helps to convert protein into energy so that the parrot can carry out its daily function.


Cauliflower is also filled with minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Magnesium helps to strengthen muscles, bones, and nerves and protects the parrot from suffering from weak bones or rickets. Phosphorus helps to filter waste and repair the damaged tissues and cells. Potassium helps to prevent fatigue and works against breathing problems.


Cauliflower has a compound called sulforaphane which contains antioxidants and these works against the oxidative stress that builds in the parrot. It also helps to build immunity and restore reproductive health. The flavonoids and carotenoids in the cauliflower also work to boost the antioxidative count of the body in the parrot. It also contains fibers that help a parrot in its digestive system, so that the parrot does not suffer from hunger pangs.

Which Parts of Cauliflower Should You Feed the Parrot?

The parrot can eat all parts of the cauliflower including the heads, stem, and leaves. Parrots definitely enjoy crunching the texture of the stem of the cauliflower.

How Often Can You Give Cauliflower to Parrots?

There is no rule about the portion of cauliflower that can be given to a parrot, but if you are making it a staple diet or part of the regular meal then you can divide it into a 60:40 ratio. You need to include 60% of typical bird food and 40% of cauliflower along with other vegetables in their meal. 

It is healthy for parrots and they also like its taste, so you can serve them regularly. However, cauliflower does contain complex carbs which are difficult to break down. So, if you find that the parrot is gassy then it can make it uncomfortable so try to reduce its quantity.

How Much Cauliflower Can You Give to Parrots?

You can start with offering small pieces of cauliflower, a couple of times in a week and then adjust it based on the overall health of the parrot, size, and activity level.

How Can You Serve Cauliflower to Parrot?

Vegetables lose their nutrient value when they are cooked, so you can provide the cauliflower in its raw form to the parrot. You can also steam the vegetable which keeps the nutrient intact and makes it soft and easy to swallow.

When you are serving cauliflowers to parrots you must wash it thoroughly to remove the pesticides and dirt from it. Then, cut it into smaller pieces so that a parrot can hold them manageably in its beak, without any difficulty to swallow, and easy to digest. 

You can also cook it without any seasoning, water, or oil. You are free to mix other vegetables, such as carrots, beans, and leafy greens to make it a well-balanced diet for the parrot.

Can You Serve Grilled Cauliflower to Parrot?

Yes, you can serve grilled cauliflower to parrot. It also keeps most of the nutrients but not the same amount as in a raw variant. However, if you are adding oil, then it would adopt some calories for the bird.

Can You Feed Refrigerated Cauliflower to Parrots?

Yes, you can feed refrigerator cauliflower to parrots as it has an average shelf life of one or two weeks and refrigeration increases the shelf life. However, the most beneficial is a raw and fresh cauliflower for the birds. If you cut the cauliflower, then the vegetable would last for 2 days and then it would wilt.

Can You Serve Cauliflower Puree to Parrots?

Yes, you can serve cauliflower puree to parrots as turning the cauliflower into a puree makes it easy to digest. So, all you need to do is blend it in a fruit processor, until you find a smooth consistency.

What is the Risk of Feeding Too Much Cauliflower to Parrots?

Here are the risks associated with feeding too much cauliflower to parrots: 


Cauliflower has a high concentration of oxalates which leads to the development of kidney stones in parrots.

Digestive Problem

If cauliflower is not introduced slowly to the parrots, then they can create digestive problems such as diarrhea and gas in response.

Nutritional Imbalance

If you feed only cauliflower, without adding food, vegetables, or pellets in the daily diet of parrots, then it results in nutritional imbalance.

Allergic Reaction

Some parrots show an allergic reaction to cauliflower and it can only be detected after you feed them and the symptoms develop.

Can You Provide Cauliflower to Baby Parrots?

Yes, you can provide cauliflower to baby parrots but in moderation. Also, you have to give them small and tender pieces making it easy for them to eat and digest, so that they don’t face stomach problems or choking hazards. If you are introducing a new food to the baby parrot, then keep monitoring and checking its reaction, if there is anything that concerns you, seek help from the veterinarian.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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