Can Parrots Eat Figs? (Read Before Feeding)

Yes, figs are completely safe for parrots to eat. They also have nutritional benefits so you can include them, along with the daily diet of your feathered friend. You can also blend figs, with other healthy foods, such as fruit, seeds, vegetables, and pellets.

So, let’s get to understand what figs are, how much you can feed parrots and what are the benefits and risks associated with it.

What are Figs?

Figs are a type of fruit that looks like an inverted flower with a pear-shaped pod. These are native to Asiatic Turkey and Northern India and are mainly found in many varieties in warm climates. It has a soft and sweet texture and the fig seeds make this fruit crunchy. It is sweet in taste and the dried form is much sweeter than the raw one.

What are the Health Benefits Associated with Figs?

Figs contain fibers, vitamins, and minerals and have a lot of nutritional properties which make it a good choice for the parrot. Here are the nutritional benefits that your feather friend gets from fig –


Fig contains potassium which helps in the production of glucose and stabilizes protein metabolism.


The calcium content in the fig helps to strengthen the bone and supports bone growth. It helps to establish normal metabolism of the body and also assists in maintaining fertility.


The magnesium content of the fig keeps the heart healthy and supports bone formation and enzyme activation.


Figs also have iron which contributes to the pigmentation of the feathers of the bird, helps to carry oxygen throughout the body, and produces hemoglobin.


It helps in keeping the blood vessels healthy, along with bones and other connective tissues. The birdโ€™s circulatory system functions normally due to the presence of copper.


The fiber content in the fig helps to keep the parrot healthy by keeping its digestive system working smoothly. It regulates the bowel movement and also prevents constipation or any discomfort of the parrot.

Vitamin A

Figs prove to be essential for the proper function of different parts of the parrotโ€™s body which includes the liver, and heart, and also boost the immunity system.

Vitamin K

Figs help in blood clotting and reduce the chances of being anemic. It helps to deal with minor injuries that involve blood loss.

How Many Figs Can You Feed the Parrot?

You need to feed fresh healthy fruit and vegetables to the parrot so that it can stay healthy which should include 50% of the parrotโ€™s diet. If you are including fresh fruits it should include 25% of the daily diet which comprises figs as well. Figs should always be served along with a mixture of other kinds of fruit so that the parrot can gain additional nutritional value from its daily diet. It is always advised to feed figs in moderation as these have natural sugars, and too much feeding can lead to diarrhea, watery stool, and eventually diabetes.

How Should You Feed a Fig to a Parrot?

You must always cut the fig into tiny pieces to avoid the risk of choking or to prevent digestive problems. You can also grate it or make a puree so that the parrot can easily swallow it. Otherwise, just chop the fig into smaller pieces, blend them, and serve the juice to the parrot.

Consult with the avian specialist to get the best diet chart for your parrot based on weight, health conditions, physical activities, and food choices.

Can You Feed Dried Figs to Parrot?

Yes. You can feed dried figs to parrots, but it has a reduced nutritional value when compared to fresh figs. However, dried figs can be stored for a longer time.

How to Prepare Dried Figs for the Parrots?

You can either make your own dried figs or purchase them from an avian or bird store. So, if you are trying to prepare it all by yourself, then take a fig, cut it in half, and set the oven to 140 degrees. Now, place the fig on the oven, so that the hole stays at the bottom. You will find the fig dries out and it can take up to 36 hours for them to show an evenness.

Can You Feed the Flesh and Seed of the Fig to a Parrot?

Yes, parrots can eat the flesh and seed of the fig as they also hold nutritional benefits. However, the seeds do pose a risk of choking so it is advised to crush them and turn them into powder before serving to the parrot.

What Fruits Can Be Served Along with Fig?

You can serve bananas, blueberries, grapes, and apples along with figs. You can also add dry fruits such as apricots, cranberries, and raisins.

Can You Provide Fig Newtons to Parrot?

No, Fig Newtons are a commercial form of cookies that cannot be given to the parrot as it has additives in the form of preservatives and sugar. It also has artificial ingredients which are toxic to be absorbed by the sensitive stomach of the parrot.

Which Parrot Species Can Eat Fig?

The parrot species that can eat figs are – Indian ringnecks, Parakeets, African Greys, and Lovebirds.

Do Figs Promote Dental Health in Birds?

Yes, figs do promote dental health as they might be sweet but don’t stick to the teeth of the bird. It also reduces the chances of tooth decay and prevents gum diseases. The chewing of figs promotes a strong and healthy beak and jaw of the parrot. 

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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