Can Parrots Eat Raisins? Are Raisins Safe?

Yes, you can feed raisins to parrots as they are filled with vitamins and nutrients that are required by the feather friends to maintain their health.

If you are considering adding a new change in the dietary habits of the parrot, then you need to know how much resins you can feed to the parrot and why you should refrain from overfeeding.

So, letโ€™s get started.

How are Raisins Prepared?

When the grapes are dried for 3 weeks, the color of the grape changes and becomes darker brown as it loses the water content and becomes raisins.

What are the Health Benefits of Feeding Raisins to Parrots?

Parrots love raisins due to their soft and sweet texture and taste, so they can be given to them as part of their daily snacks.

So, let’s get to know what are the nutritional benefits it can provide:


Potassium can help to reduce blood pressure and extend the motility rate of the parrot it also decreases the chances of stroke or any hard diseases and keeps elderly parrots healthy


The iron content of raisins helps to increase the number of red blood cells in the body. It also prevents health conditions such as anemia.

Vitamin B 

Raisins are packed with Vitamin B which helps promote brain function, reduce cholesterol, boost metabolism, and enhance the immunity of the parrot.


Raisins also have fiber content which helps to solve digestive problems in the parrots, and it also helps to fight against gastrointestinal issues. If a bird loves to snack around, then you can feed raisins which would make the parrot feel full.


The antioxidants in raisins help against cancer, stroke, and other heart issues. It also prevents cell damage by eliminating free radicals.

How Often Can a Parrot Eat Raisins?

If you provide raisins to a parrot then you must also include other nutrients that are required by the bird, throughout the day. You can offer resins to parrots, once a week and try to slowly introduce this dry fruit to the bird. If the situation seems to be favorable, and there are no allergic or side effects, then you can provide raisins twice a week.

What Should be a Healthy Diet for Parrots?

If you are preparing a healthy diet for parrots along with raisins, then you need to serve them 50% pellets, and 20% fresh food which includes whole grains and raisins, and the rest can be fruits and vegetables.

What is the Risk of Feeding Raisins to Parrot?

Along with the benefits, raisins also have lead to health damages such as – 

  1. Being a tasty treat, raisins, if overfed, can increase sugar levels. If the bird is active throughout the, then the energy gets used up, otherwise, this extra sugar is converted into gaining weight or blood sugar.
  2. The excessive sugar content of raisins can also develop into hyperglycemia as there is a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. So, you need to monitor the frequency and quantity of raisins that you are feeding the bird.
  3. If the bird is sitting idle most of the time and does not prefer many activities, then feeding resins can lead to an increase in weight and other health conditions related to obesity, such as heart problems.
  4. If the raisins are too dry, then it can also lead to choking hazards. Even though a bird has a strong beak, if it tries to swallow resin it can lead to problems, so cut the raisins into manageable pieces.

How Can You Avoid Choking Hazards in Parrots from Raisins?

It is always recommended to cut the raisins into smaller pieces so that the parrots can handle them easily. You can also soak them in water to change the texture and hydrate them, making them softer for the birds to chew and swallow.

What is the Difference Between Raisins, Sultanas, and Current?

All these are varieties of dried grapes where sultanas and raisins are more or less the same. The only difference is in their color, whereas Currents are a dehydrated form of Black Corinth grapes, and appear to be smaller and firmer.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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