Category Birds Food

Can Parrots Eat Beets? (Must Read Before Feeding)

Can Parrots Eat Beets

Beetroot is a nutrient-rich vegetable that has essential minerals and vitamins. Yes, you can feed beetroot to parrots, and its key ingredients, vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, and fiber, make it an advantageous food item. It helps boost the immune system,โ€ฆ

How Do Birds Eat Seeds? (Answered)

How Do Birds Eat Seeds

The eating habits of birds differ from one species to another, but most importantly you need to understand their beak structure to find out how they exactly eat seeds.  Birds with a thicker or cone-shaped bill can crush the harderโ€ฆ

How Do Birds Drink? (Explained)

How Do Birds Drink

Birds have different types of beaks which reflect their diet and water consumption habits. There is also a difference noticed in the frequency of water consumption among different bird species. So, let’s explore the diversity of birds and understand howโ€ฆ

10 Best Finch Feeders


There is a wide range of bird feeders available in the market and it becomes difficult to select the one that would suit your backyard. So, here we have narrowed down the best bird feeders for finches available in 2024.โ€ฆ

Do Crows Eat Corn? (Answered)

Do Crows Eat Corn

Yes, crows do eat corn. But corn is not their staple diet as crows are quite opportunistic animals and have many food preferences and options. Studies have also shown that substantial nutritional value present in corn can become poisonous forโ€ฆ

Do Ducks Like Watermelon? [Answered]

Do Ducks Like Watermelon

Absolutely, yes ducks can eat watermelon and it is also a beneficial fruit for them. Watermelon is usually considered for its hydrating nature. It is a juicy fruit and provides a well-balanced nutrition to the ducks.  However, you need toโ€ฆ