Category Facts

How Long Do Crows Live? 10 Surprising Facts!

How Long Do Crows Live

The American crows have an average lifespan of 7 to 8 years in the wild, which can vary depending on the availability of resources, disease, and human intervention. Nevertheless, some research studies suggest that specific individuals could live as longโ€ฆ

How Are Pigeons Killing Humans? (Shocking Truth)

How Are Pigeons Killing Humans

Pigeons can kill individuals through disease spread, lung impairment, and other means. While unusual, these threats do exist. Pigeons are believed to carry more than sixty pathogens, which may lead to diseases. The feathers and excrement of pigeons also containโ€ฆ

Egyptian Whoop Bird Eye: Symbolism and Meaning

Egyptian Whoop Bird Eye

The Egyptian Whoop Bird Eye connects birds with protection and divine vision. This idea originates from ancient Egyptian culture, where birds were seen as symbols of power, guidance, and divine oversight. This article explores the importance and meaning of theโ€ฆ

How To Catch Wild Birds? (Explained)

How To Catch Wild Birds

You might have seen wild birds venturing into your backyard and they play an essential role in the local ecosystem by protecting your garden against the pest. But, in case you think they have become a nuisance, then you needโ€ฆ