Category Facts

How Are Crocodiles Related To Birds? (Explained)


Crocodiles and birds are completely different animals if you look at them at first glance. However, they have common ancestry which makes them related. Crocodiles belong to the order Crocodilia and birds belong to the class Aves, even though theyโ€ฆ

Do Birds Like Being Pets? (Explained)

Do Birds Like Being Pets

Birds are intelligent and playful creatures and yes, they do like being petted, but you need to know the right way to pet them. They are quite different from a cat and a dog, so need a different approach whileโ€ฆ

Do Ducks Have Nails? (Answered)

Do Ducks Have Nails

Yes, ducks have nails or rather claws. If you think that they only have webbed feet, but that is not the case. Ducks have nails sitting tight on the end of the toes and this has many natural uses andโ€ฆ

Do Ducks Like Rain? (Answered)

Do Ducks Like Rain

Yes, ducks like rain, as they have waterproof feathers, and can handle rain easily. They usually prefer light to moderate rain and search for shelters during heavy or prolonged rain. During the rain, ducks are seen preening their feathers, lookingโ€ฆ

Do Ducks Have Ears? (Answered)

Do Ducks Have Ears

Yes, ducks have ears located on the side of the head, you can find them a little behind and below the eyes, but there are no outward appendages. The duck ears have soft feathering covering their ear opening. These feathersโ€ฆ

Do Birds Get Tired Of Flying? (Explained)

Do Birds Get Tired Of Flying

Birds, especially migrating birds, fly over very long distances during their lifetimes. Even so, they don’t get tired of flying very often. Birds can get tired just like any other animal. This is especially true if they’ve been flying forโ€ฆ

Can Eagles Pick Up Humans? (Explained)

Can Eagles Pick Up Humans

An eagle’s lifting power depends mainly on the bird’s size, shape, and environmental conditions like wind. While the largest eagle species are capable of carrying a human infant, adults and even children are typically far too heavy for an eagleโ€ฆ

Can Ducks Drown? Find Out Here!

Can Ducks Drown

Yes, ducks can drown. Ducks are birds, not aquatic creatures, so they cannot breathe underwater. When swimming or diving, they hold their breath, utilizing the oxygen gathered in their lungs. However, if a duck remains submerged for an extended period,โ€ฆ