Do Ducks Eat Mice? (Understanding the Dynamics of Predation)

Yes, ducks do eat mice and they even hunt for them, as mice are part of the diet for some duck breeds. Ducks that live in the wild or are in free range, hunt many little animals including mice. However, you must be confused about whether it is safe for ducks to eat mice. So, let’s go through this guide and get to the details.

Is it Safe for Ducks to Eat Mice?

No, it is not safe for ducks to eat mice because mice spread diseases and carry bacteria which can be fatal for a duck. They are usually found in and around waste sites and bins and have also been recorded to transmit disease to farm animals. If the concern is about transferring disease from mice, then ducks can get affected, so you must forbid them from eating mice. 

Usually, ducks are seen eating mice or young rats which can come into contact with bacteria and pathogens easily. So, if you want to protect your ducks, you need to get rid of the mice.

How Can You Get Rid of Mice from the Duck Barn?

Here are the best possible ways to eliminate the mice from the barn:

Pet a Farm Cat

You can get a farm cat who can be trained to search and kill mice. You can provide extra feed to the cats so that they do not eat the mice out of hunger but just eliminate them.

Using Traps 

If you want to reduce the rat population in your barn, then use a rat trap for 2 or 3 weeks. There are different types of rat traps available in the market, get the one that meets your budget and requirements. 

Secure the Food

Never keep all local food items scattered around as mice find it a good place to settle in where there is plenty of availability of food. So, you need to secure the feed and any other food items present around. Usually, if mice do not have access to food they would leave the barn themselves.

Remove the Piles

Never store too many items in one place for a long time, as these usually invite the mice to look for food and shelter. So, if they find a file of heaped paper or bedding or dirt, they would use it as a shelter for themselves. You need to remove this pile and keep the barn clean and tidy.

Block the Holes 

Mice usually get into the barn through holes, and you need to securely close this hole so that mice do not invade during the night. The rats dig holes, which make these spaces a potential passage for predators to enter, roam around the barn, and prey on ducks, so use a good sealing material to fill the gap. 

What Can You Provide Ducks To Eat?

A duck can be provided a nutrient-enriched diet, which can include processed duck feed, with sufficient protein and other nutrients, nuts, seeds, insect larvae, and little vertebrates, such as fishes, frogs, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Which Duck Breed is Known for Hunting?

The Muscovy duck breed is known for effectively killing and hunting mice. 

Does Mice Kill Ducks?

No, mice cannot kill a duck, but they do carry diseases that can harm or prove to be fatal for the ducks, including the duckling. So, precautions should be taken so that the mice do not enter the barn.

Why Should You Eliminate the Rats?

Rats carry diseases and they also reproduce faster, so within a short time, they will be multiplied in numbers. Also, they translate lice, fleas, and other parasites to ducks. They can eat the egg, chew through the wire, damage buildings, dig holes under the fences which would provide an entrance to the predators, injure the duck, or even frighten the ducks leading to a drop in egg production.

What You Should Not Do to Get Rid of Mice?

You should not use rodenticides as if your ducks come in contact with this poison, then they can also get killed. Also, if any other bird kills the mouse that has ingested the poison, then it will also get poisoned.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
Articles: 245