Do Ducks Like Watermelon? [Answered]

Absolutely, yes ducks can eat watermelon and it is also a beneficial fruit for them. Watermelon is usually considered for its hydrating nature. It is a juicy fruit and provides a well-balanced nutrition to the ducks. 

However, you need to place a water source around them while feeding on watermelons, otherwise it can lead to choking hazards. To minimize the risk, cut the fruit into smaller pieces so that they can quickly eat and swallow the food. 

Let’s get to know the benefits of feeding watermelons to ducks and the risks associated with it.

The Benefit of Feeding Watermelon to Ducks

Watermelon can be a perfect fruit for a hot day as it is high in saturated water content. It also has many other nutritional advantages such as – 


It contains vitamins A, B complex, and C, which are essential for the development and growth of the duck. It helps to boost the immune system, strengthen the wings, and also improve vision.


It helps the duck to prevent hyperthermia and also detoxifies the body from harmful or unwanted chemical ingestion.


Watermelon has essential minerals, such as – magnesium, and potassium, which help in the development of egg shells. It also helps in calcium absorption, skeletal development, and for proper metabolic function.


Carotenoids help to maintain the pigmentation of the egg yolk, skin, and legs. It also helps to maintain the beak, and feathers and improve their overall health. It also ensures to keep their plumage pattern and boosts immunity.


Fiber helps to smoothen the digestive process of the ducks, ensures regular bowel movement, and keeps the stomach healthy. It helps to improve the digestion and absorption quality of a duck.

Can You Serve the Watermelon Rind to the Ducks?

Yes, you can serve watermelon rind to the ducks, as it is juicy in nature and makes a great snack when served with other food items, such as seed leaves, vines, etc.

Can You Feed Watermelon to Ducklings?

Yes, you can feed watermelon to ducklings but it should be in a limited amount as they have a very sensitive stomach. Also, you need to remove the seeds before you serve the watermelon, otherwise, it will choke them, leading to breathing issues and the ultimate death of the duckling.

The Risks Associated With Feeding Watermelon to Ducks

While you are serving watermelon to the ducks, there are a few factors that you must consider, such as –

High Sugar Content

Watermelons have natural sugar content which makes them sweet, so it does not need any artificial sweetener or additional sugar to enhance their taste. However, if consumed too much, then it can increase the sugar content of the blood, leading to diabetes.

Seeds Cause Choking Hazard

The watermelon seeds are big enough to be swallowed by a duck. You need to be very cautious when you are serving watermelon, if there is the presence of seeds in them, then it can lead to a choking hazard. Moreover, seeds can also cause ingesting problems or block the digestive system. So, you need to cut the watermelons into smaller pieces, grind the seeds, and sprinkle them on the watermelon. 

High Water Content 

The water content of watermelon is quite high which rounds up to 92% and if the duck has any additional water source, then it won’t feel hungry and refuse to have its regular staple diet. Thus, it can lead to nutritional deficiency and affect the health of the duck.

Why Should Watermelon Be Served in Moderation?

Too much of anything can lead to digestion issues or stomach upset. If a duck consumes too much watermelon, then it can fill up their stomach and they won’t have their regular healthy diet leading to deprivation of protein, minerals, and other vitamins. So, it is always advised that the watermelon should be given in moderation and as an occasional treat.

How Can You Prepare Watermelon for Your Duck?

The entire watermelon can be served to the ducks, including leaves, vines, rind, along with seeds. So, if you are thinking of serving watermelon to a duck as a snack, cut it into half or quarters, remove the seeds, grind them, sprinkle the powdered seeds on the watermelon, and place it in front of the duck face up. You can also serve the watermelon by cutting it into small portions, freezing it, and serving this tasty treat to the ducks during a hot day, which would help them cool down as the temperature rises. 

Cutting and storing the watermelon in the refrigerator also helps to avoid the everyday hassle of chopping the fruit and also keeps the watermelon fresh for a few days, so that the ducks can enjoy it. You can also prepare a mixed fruit salad, including watermelon, with other fruits so that they can get the required vitamins and minerals at the same time.

How Many Watermelons Should You Include in a Duckโ€™s Diet?

It is advised to include 10% or less watermelon in the duck’s diet so that it can gain other essential protein, mineral, and omega acids from different food sources, which is necessary for its well-being and development. Also, remember never to serve spoiled or rotten watermelon to the duck. Feed them only ripe or overripe watermelon which is soft and fits the digestive system of the ducks.

Can Ducks of All Breeds Enjoy Watermelon?

Yes, ducks of all breeds can eat watermelons and this can be presented to them as an occasional treat, once a week, in small servings and moderation.

Can Ducks Eat All Kinds of Fruit?

Yes, ducks can eat all kinds of fruits, including watermelon, grapes, bananas, peaches, etc. However, you need to avoid citrus fruits, such as grapes and lemons, which interfere with their calcium absorption process and also make the egg thin-shelled.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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