Do Eagles Hunt at Night? (Answered)

Eagles are diurnal creatures, so they prefer hunting during the day and sleeping at night. During the day time, it gives them clear visibility, and also their prey remains active. Moreover, the eyes of the eagles are not equipped to handle night vision, so hunting during the day keeps them away from threats and they get to acquire enough food sources.

Now, it is time to dive deep and understand whether it is safe for the eagles to hunt at night.

Do Bald Eagles Hunt at Night?

No, bald eagles prefer to hunt during the day and sleep during the night. They usually choose a high tree branch to perch and sleep or a high pole. They do not have night vision, but their excellent eyesight helps them to stay safe and protected and hunt during the day. 

They can spot fishes underwater during the day which they catch using their sharp talons and โ€œswooping downโ€ hunting techniques. Interestingly, if the prey is 3 miles away, they can easily spot it, be it a rabbit, a rodent, or a chipmunk with their sharp eyes. 

Bald eagles share a common food preference with the other variants, such as fish, birds, carrions, smaller mammals, rodents, and also garbage. They are mostly seen to hunt early morning and late afternoon, when the sun is low in the sky so that you can get good visibility. 

Usually, they prefer to hunt alone, but often you might see them hunt in groups during the day. They prefer to stay in groups during the night so that any potential threat can be easily prevented.

How Do Eagles Hunt?

Eagles can outrun the speed of 200 miles per hour and notice the slightest movement of the prey from a distance. Then, they swoop down and catch them using their talons. They are also equipped to hunt and adapt to different habitats, which helps them to thrive in any situation and environment. They often struggle during partially cloudy days as it reduces their visibility and decreases the chance of finding prey.

When is the Eagle Mostly Active?

During the day, early in the morning, the eagles remain mostly active. Otherwise, throughout the day they are seen to hunt for food and sleep at night.

Can Eagles See at Night?

Yes, eagles can see at night, but they do not have night vision, which helps birds like owls catch their prey or detect their predators from a distance.

Which Birds Can See Well at Night?

Birds who have binocular vision, along with deep fovea and more rod cells than the cones, can see well at night, such as owls, Storm petrels, American woodcocks, and night herons. Also, the bird must have tubular-shaped eyes to have good night vision.

Do Eagles Fly at Night?

Eagles are not nocturnal creatures, but they can fly at night if they get startled or are attacked. So, to escape from a situation, birds can be seen flying in the night. To compensate for their low light vision at night, they rely on their auditory system.

Are Eagles Associated with Nightfall?

Yes, eagles are associated with nightfall, but still, they are mostly active during the day, than at night. They prefer hunting during the day due to their sharp eyesight and thermal currents, which help them to stay aloft and these currents tend to get weak at night. Also, at night the prey becomes quite alert and usually flocks in groups, so it becomes difficult for eagles to hunt them.

On What Instances Do Eagle Hunt at Night?

Eagles are seen hunting at night, but only during certain instances, such as –

Hunting During Dusk And Dawn

Some eagles prefer the crepuscular hour for hunting, i.e. during dusk and dawn. They take advantage of the dim natural light and their sharp vision makes it easy to catch the prey. This behavior is mostly seen in the African crown eagle.

Moonlit Fishing

Moonlight provides the eagles with enough opportunity for fishing. Eagles can easily spot the fish that come near the surface of the water, making it easy to sweep down and catch one.


Eagles opt for scavenging or looking for carrions or any unattended prey, particularly during the night.

How the Eagles’ Vision Adapt to the Nighttime?

Eagles have adapted well to see even during the nighttime, though it is not sufficient enough to hunt. The eyes of the eagle have large pupils which can dilate or contract based on the amount of light entering their eyes so that they can adjust to the different levels of light. Also, they have a specialized reflective layer of tissue located behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum which enhances vision and improves their eyesight even in dim light by reflecting and amplifying the light. 

What do Eagles do at Night?

The behavior of the eagle significantly differs during the day and night. During the night, they are seen to exhibit resting behavior, where they perch on a tree or cliff, tuck their head under their wings, and conserve energy. They are also seen preening and maintaining the feather at night, which helps them to execute different hunting strategies. Keeping the feathers in good condition helps them to fly, hunt, and regulate body temperature. They also use nighttime to move around without getting detected by predators, especially juvenile eagles who are vulnerable to predation.

How Do Eagles Sleep?

Eagles are seen roosting near water sources and large trees from where they can keep an eye on potential threats or predators and also keep track of food sources. During the nesting season, they are seen to rest near their nest at night to protect and keep the young chicks safe.

Eagles are seen roosting on tree branches and while they perch, they keep a grip with their feet. They are also seen to tuck one of the feet into the feathers, which helps them to mitigate the heat loss and keep them comfortable all day. Thus, they can be seen sleeping on one leg and on the other leg the tendons get tensed and they can grip the tree branch or pole more firmly. 

During cold days, tucking one foot creates a countercurrent heat exchange within the veins and arteries, which helps in maintaining and reducing heat loss by 50%. They also tuck their beak into the back of their father to keep themselves warm during the winter nights. 

How Long Do Eagles Sleep?

Based on studies, it has been seen that an eagle sleeps for about 10 to 12 hours. Their sleeping pattern is associated with the sunrise and sunset. As the sunrise, they wake up and set to catch p[rey, while as the sunsets, they look for places to perch and sleep. When it is not a breeding season, they can roost anywhere, but during the breeding season, they return to their nest every night to take care of the chicks.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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