Do Hawks Eat Birds? (How, What, and Where They Hunt)

Hawks are known to eat small birds and mammals, as part of their dietary requirement. They employ different hunting techniques to catch their potential prey. They also help to maintain a balance between conservation and potential threats, so let’s get to know how. 

We will also get into the facts – what types of birds do hawks eat?

Which Birds Do Hawks Eat?

There are many variants of hawks, and the ones that mostly eat birds are the red-tailed Hawk, Cooperโ€™s Hawk, and the Sharp-shinned Hawk. They have sharp talons and beaks to catch and eat the smaller birds. They mostly target sparrows, pigeons, ducks, and even doves.

Accipiters are known to be more regular bird hunters as they live in forested areas. Hawks tend to attack songbirds mostly as these are small and easy to catch, so it doesn’t take them much time to kill the prey. Also, based on the location or habitat of the hawk the prey tends to change, and daily, a hawk can eat up to 8 songbirds. 

Hawks are also quite interested in poultry as these birds are bred for the purpose of getting meat and so seems to be a tempting prey. Hawks go after the smaller poultry, which includes chicks, ducklings, etc. Hawks usually do not prey on other raptors, but being predatory birds they do prey on the ones, which are juvenile or smaller than them and are easy to kill. Often, cannibalism is also reported but only if there is a major food scarcity.

How Do Hawks Hunt Birds?

Hawks are carnivores and birds are easy to catch and prey on. There are more than 50 million birds and hawks do not have to put in much effort to hunt them. Hawks use their high speed to swoop down from a height and circle the prey, which is done with thermals to raise the air columns. Then, they use their powerful legs to deliver a striking blow. They form a powerful grip using their strong and hooked beak around the body and feathers of the prey, thus the prey cannot escape the clutches. After the hawk is done with feeding, they carry the leftovers to another location to eat.

Do All Hawks Eat Birds?

Yes, every hawk eats smaller birds, but there are preferences, some totally depend on small birds for their daily meals while others prefer rodents and other small mammals. The change in food preferences depends on habitat, location, and species. The bird hunter hawks prey in forests and shrubby areas, while the other open-land hunters prey in open-ground areas.

How Does the Diet of Hawks Vary Based on Habitat?

The hawks living in the urban area, prey on pigeons, doves, and other small songbirds, while the ones living around the rural area eat small birds, such as sparrows, robins, and small finches. If the hawk lives in a forested area, then they hunt thrushes and woodpeckers mostly. While the hawks living in the grasslands are seen preying on mice and voles. Based on the seasonal availability of prey, their food preferences change. During the breeding season, the hawks target the smaller mammals, which can provide them with sufficient energy for rearing the chicks.

How to Keep Hawks Away from Bird Feeders?

If you want to keep the hawks away from the bird feeders, then here are the steps that you can take:

Use Netting

You can use netting to cover the bird feeder. Covering the top of the feeder can reduce the chances of hawks spotting the finches.

Use the Window

Place the bird feeder near the window, so that when the hawks fly near the bird feeder, they can see their own reflection on the window and think it to be another bird, and they would fly away. At the same time, to protect the window from possible strikes, you can put a netting on the window or put up decals that would repel the hawks.

Avoid Ground Feeding

You must not spread the food on the ground, as it increases the chances of hawk attacks. It also leaves the area unprotected and hawks can easily sweep down and catch the birds using their talons.

Build A Cage Around the Fence

This is another common way of protecting the bird feeder, i.e. to build a protective cage, either using wood, chicken wire, or any other material. Based on the bird feeder, you can choose a particular design for the cage. 

Other than this, you can also try to remove the hawk vantage points and also the hawk food sources. However, if the hawk is still hovering around the feeder, even after employing all these measures, then you can temporarily remove the feeder. This would disrupt the hunting pattern of the hawks and discourage them from visiting the yard or the bird feeder.

What is the Regular Diet of Hawks?

Hawks are predatory creatures and they eat birds, small mammals, reptiles, fish, and insects. They employ their keen eyesight and statistical hunting style to catch their prey. Hawks, like Red-Tailed, show a diverse diet, but Sharp-shinned hawks are only dependent on birds. The feeding pattern also varies, as they have specific nutritional requirements which must be fulfilled through the diet. Also, the older hawks are more experienced in hunting birds by using various hunting techniques, than the younger ones.

How is the Hawk Population Conserved?

The Hawk population is being conserved through different programs such as public awareness programs, research studies, and exclusion techniques.

Are Hawks a Threat to Bird Population?

Hawks help to maintain the ecological balance as they control certain bird populations by preying on them. They promote a healthy ecosystem by preventing overpopulation.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
Articles: 249