Do Pet Ducks Fly Away? (Answered)

Yes, ducks can fly away but only certain breeds, such as the Mallards and Muscovy. The capability of a duck to fly depends on certain factors such as genetics, breeding, and domestication. Studies show that on average a duck can fly to a distance of 100-200 feet and some can achieve even more, i.e. 10,000 feet. 

However, if you are afraid that your pet duck will fly away, then research the breed and understand its flying abilities. To decrease the chances of losing the duck, you must provide it with a safe and secure space, build trust, and allow it the freedom to roam.

Now, let’s delve deep into the facts and learn about the strategies that would prevent the duck from flying away, without the need of staying up all night and guarding them.

Why Do Ducks Fly Away?

You need to strike the right balance between keeping the duck happy and grounded. Ducks fly away when they find that the environment is uncomfortable or not safe for them. But, despite making the best efforts, the pet ducks can still fly away, and here are the reasons:


If there are predators nearby, then out of fear the duck can take a flight. Ducks have an instinct to sense predators, such as foxes or coyotes, and to remove themselves from this threatful situation they tend to fly away. At this moment, they do not consider the distance and most likely fly very far from the house. 


If you do not provide the ducks with a wholesome meal that would meet their basic necessity, then they can fly away from the property. They tend to look for food that would satisfy their hunger pangs. 


Ducks are very much social creatures and if they are kept confirmed and not allowed to mix with other ducks, then they might fly away to meet others. However, while playing with other ducks they might often get so engrossed that they tend to move far away from home and get lost.


Some breeds of ducks have the instinct to fly away. These birds have adapted themselves to have longer wings, lighter body weight, and tend to be aerodynamic and so can fly short distances. They become more susceptible to flying away during the mating season.


Young ducks are more likely to fly away when compared to adult ones, as they are more energetic and more adventurous. They are more inclined towards staying away from home. 

How to Prevent Pet Ducks from Flying Away?

It is always advised to clip the wings of the ducks. It is a matter of precaution so that they can find their way home and the process won’t hurt the ducks.

Other than this, you can also try these hacks:

Train the Duck

You can train the ducks not to leave the confinement or return home after they had their daily share of roaming and playing with other ducks. Try a positive reinforcement approach by giving them treats or rewards, whenever they come back, even if they have been away for a few minutes. Reward the ducks on their return, and this would help them to associate home with treats or something good.

Create Secure Place

Ducks get more associated with a place that is peaceful, secure, and safe, with no predators or less chance of jumpscares. You can make the confinement duck-friendly and remove elements that can provoke the duck to take flight. 

Allow Bonding

Ducks being social creatures cannot stay alone, so you need to allow them to bond with other ducks. Bring other ducks so that they can play and feel safe in their company. You must also associate and interact with them, and the ducks get to know who brings them feed and keeps them safe. You can also cuddle or snuggle the ducks to create a trust bond. 

Teach them to Follow Commands

Young ducks tend to learn new things easily, so you can teach them to follow basic commands such as โ€œStayโ€, โ€œCome Hereโ€, etc. With regular practice and patience, you would be able to control their movement and also prevent them from flying away.

How Can You Keep the Duck Safe?

To keep the ducks safe, here are the tips that you must follow:

  • You must maintain a secured enclosure, which should be predator-proof and duck-friendly. 
  • It should be large enough so that the ducks can move freely and have access to hygiene, fresh water, and enough food. 
  • The enclosure fence should be at least 3 feet high and the wires should be buried deep below the ground so that predators cannot jump in or dig into the enclosure. 
  • There must be shelter for the duck to hide during rain and storms. There must be shade to protect them from heat stroke during extreme hot weather.ย 
  • If possible create a water body or pond inside the enclosure so that the ducks can enjoy swimming. 
  • The space should be well-ventilated and must have a raised floor with a proper drainage system to keep the birds dry and warm. 
  • Add certain entertainment areas such as perches and hiding places so that the ducks can stay mentally stimulated and active.

However, you must constantly supervise their activity to prevent accidents or mishaps. The ponds should not be too deep otherwise there are chances of accidental drowning. 

What are the Benefits of Allowing Pet Ducks to Roam Freely?

Allowing the pet duck to roam freely for a few hours of the day has a positive impact, such as –

Physical Development

The ducks get enough space to run around and play, allowing them to get their daily dose of exercise and also explore the surroundings. they get the physical activity required for building muscles and bones and for healthy development.

Mental Stimulation

Spending time outside, helps the ducks to quench their curiosity, by exploring the surroundings and also reduces stress and boredom.

Exposure to Sunlight

Every animal requires vitamin D for the development of healthy bones and sunlight is the best source. thus, when ducks and ducklings are allowed to spend time under the sun they tend to be healthy


Ducks get to interact with other animals when they go outside. Being social animals, it helps them to create bonds with other animals, learn about their surroundings, and also develop social skills

Foraging Opportunities

When ducks are allowed to spend time outside, they get the chance to forage which is their natural instinct. They search and enjoy eating small organisms and insects. 

What are the Risks of Allowing Pet Ducks to Roam Outside?

there are dangers of allowing your pet duck to roam outside, such as – 


predators such as foxes, raccoons, and even birds of prey, get the chance to attack the ducks when they are allowed to roam outside


There are many harmful bacteria and toxins found in the environment when ducks roam around unhygienic surroundings, they become susceptible to diseases. They might also come in contact with chemicals, such as herbicides and pesticides

What is the Process of Wing Clipping?

Wing clipping involves maintaining the duck’s flight feathers so that the ducks can be kept grounded. During this process, the primary flight feathers of the ducks on either both or on one wing are clipped and this would prevent the duck from flying away. You can also cut or remove the tip of the primary feather in such a way that their flight doesn’t get hindered but they are unable to carry them beyond a certain distance. Wing clipping is done only under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian. 

Can Domestication Affect the Flight of Ducks?

Due to domestication and breeding the ducks might not develop their flight muscles completely and this limits their ability to fly.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
Articles: 249