Do Squirrels Eat Birds? (Answered)

Yes, Squirrels can eat birds, but only in rare cases, when their natural food becomes scarce. Eating birds is part of their backup plan, mostly during the winter, when they are unable to find their regular meal.

So, let’s get to know how squirrels hunt small birds.

What is the Feeding Habit of Squirrels?

Squirrels have a natural instinct to forage and they mostly feed on nuts, seeds, and fruits. They also like acorns, walnuts, and hazelnuts, which provide them with their daily nutrients. These animals are quite flexible about their diet and in times when food is scarce, they hunt small birds. 

Why Do Squirrels Eat Birds?

When there is a lack of squirrel’s natural food items, due to environmental changes, they tend to explore new food sources. They eat birds when the bird is weak or hurt, unable to defend, and easy to catch, due to accidental discovery of the bird nest, which has eggs and baby birds. They also eat birds when they need protein sources, during pregnancy, or when there is an abundance of birds in the area and birds become easy targets. If the bird is already dead and the squirrel happens to discover the dead body, for instance, they would eat it.

Which Birds Do Squirrels mostly Attack?

Squirrels mostly attack smaller birds, such as Mountain chickadees, American robins, Mourning doves, Warblers, Baby ducks, Blue jays, and Sparrows.

What Influences the Diet of Squirrels?

There are certain factors that influence the diet of the squirrel, such as –

Seasonal Shift

Due to changes in season, the availability of various food changes and so does the menu of these squirrels. When there is a scarcity of food, squirrels choose protein-rich supplements.

Environmental Conditions

The change in habitat or weather conditions affects the foraging nature and pattern of the squirrels so they interact differently with the available food options.


There can be either an increase in the squirrel population or other animals having the same food items in a particular area. Thus, there is an increase in competition, which affects the foraging approach and feeding behavior of squirrels.

Nesting Period

During the reproductive season, squirrels become territorial or protective over their food resources, which affects their daily diet and also their food-collecting behavior.

Does a Squirrel Eat Bird Eggs?

Yes, a squirrel eats bird eggs and so they are also known as nest raiders. If they find baby birds, vulnerable and easily accessible they can eat them too, as squirrels are opportunistic feeders.

What are the Rare Food Choices of Squirrels?

The rare food choices of squirrels are birds, insects, and small rodents.

How Can You Identify a Squirrel Eating Birds?

If there are noises of distress from birds, the bird’s nest is empty and disturbed and there are feathers scattered all around, then these are typical signs of a squirrel attack on birds.

How To Protect Bird Feeders From Squirrels?

Squirrels prefer bird seeds and can invade the bird feeder looking for seeds and nuts, so to protect it, you have to choose bird seeds that squirrels do not like, such as safflower. You can also install squirrel-proof feeders that have weight-sensitive perches or get baffles on pole mounts. Keep the bird feeder away from the trees and power line in an open space, so that squirrels cannot access it easily.

Can Squirrels Affect the Bird Population?

Yes, squirrels can occasionally affect the bird population mostly during winter, when they start to prey on eggs and bird’s nests. Also, a change in habitat influences the bird population.

Can Birds and Squirrels Co-Exist?

Yes, birds and squirrels can co-exist, only if a thriving ecosystem is created for them. You can grow more plants and trees in the garden. Thus, squirrels would get enough vegetation, their natural diet, and on the other hand birds can get a rescued green paradise to play around. You can also promote a healthy and balanced diet for the squirrels by sprinkling nuts in the garden so that they do not have to hunt birds. Try to install bird feeders and squirrel hideouts so that both can take shelter and build a home, it would also protect them from predators. Offering water sources in the form of water stations can help both birds and squirrels to stay hydrated and it would provide a sense of belonging. 

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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