Hawks vs Falcons: Are You Confusing Hawks and Falcons?

When you are birdwatching in the US, then you might come across hawks and falcons as these are quite common Birds of Prey. However, it becomes quite difficult to identify the specific raptors as they have overlapping characteristics.

So, here are the key differences that can help you to identify a hawk and a falcon accurately.

Key Differences Between Hawks and Falcons

Falcons belong to the Falconidae family, and hawks are included in the Accipitridae family. Thus, they belong to different families, even though they might have similar characteristics. With a keen eye, you need to identify, these key differences to distinguish between these two birds – 


Both falcons and hawks can be found throughout the US. They have specific habitats, where falcons are mostly found around coastlines, rivers, valleys, mountainous regions, and often in the city.


When compared with a falcon, a hawk has a 10-inch more extended body profile when a beak-to-tail measurement is taken. The head of the falcon is short and rounded whereas the hawk has a larger, pointed, and distinctive head. A Falcon is 8 to 26 inches but a hawk is 18 to 30 inches in length.


Falcons have a unique wing design that resembles a hand-like structure. These birds are broad and have rounded tips, but falcons have a sleek wing that helps them during their flight and maintains their hunting style. Hawks have shorter and broader wings with rounded and smooth tips whereas falcons have long and narrow wings with pointed tips. 


Falcons have an astonishing speed and they can reach up to 200 miles per hour and fly at 60 miles per hour which makes them a power-packed hunter. Hawks tend to flap their wings slowly and they can reach a speed of 40 miles per hour and dive up to 120 miles per hour. 

Hunting Style

Both the birds are equipped to kill and eat, and both have talons and beaks that can tear the flesh. However, their way of catching the prey is quite different. Falcons use their notch or a โ€œtomial toothโ€ to attack their prey but a hawk uses its talons. Falcons prey on smaller birds and often eat insects, such as grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, moths, etc as their meal, but the hawks eat mice, fish, rats, lizards, frogs, and more. 

Building Nest

A hawk is seen building its nest at the top of the tree using sticks, twigs, barks, and often its own feathers. They tend to use this nest for years, whereas falcons choose rock cliffs or tall buildings to build their nest. They are also seen to use natural and artificial cavities to build their nest at least 10 to 30 feet above the ground, using sticks, seaweed, bones, and other nests.

Can a Hawk Lift Away Pet Dogs?

No, hawks cannot lift away a pet dog as they do not have the strength to lift them. Hawks can only carry around 2 pounds of weight and mostly prey on smaller mammals, such as squirrels and mice.

What is the Lifespan of Hawk and Falcon?

A hawk’s lifespan is 20 years on average and a falcon has a lifespan of 13 years on average.

Which is Bigger – A Falcon and a Hawk?

When measured from bill to tail and wingspan, hawks are bigger than falcons.

Are Falcons and Hawks Endangered Species?

Based on the World Conservation Union, a few species of hawks are on the list of endangered or critically endangered, such as Ridgwayโ€™s hawk, Gundlachโ€™s hawk, and the gray-backed hawk. However, there are no endangered falcons, but some are under vulnerable status.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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