How Big Are Eagles? (Hunting Skills Unveiled)

Eagles are known as the king of birds, owing to their color, look, behavior, size, hunting style, interaction qualities, and other physical traits. They are also known as the symbol of grace and their appearance is indeed fascinating. 

An average eagle has a wingspan of more than 7 feet, which makes them the largest bird. They weigh about 15 to 20 pounds and are popularly known as the birds of prey.

So, let’s dive deep and get a few facts cleared about these majestic birds.

Size and Weight of Eagles

There are many types of eagles and when it comes to size and weight massive variation is noted. An eagle can range from a height of 16 to 40 inches and the weight can be 2 to 20 pounds. Mostly, the female eagle is larger than the male

The largest eagle is the Golden eagle which weighs 15 pounds and has a wingspan of 6 feet to 8 feet. The Harpy eagle has a wingspan of 6 feet and can extend up to 11 feet, whereas it can be 40 inches in height and 20 pounds in weight. The Stellar Sea eagle has a wingspan of 9 feet and can weigh 20 pounds. 

The white-tailed eagle has a wingspan of 8 feet and weighs up to a range of 9 to 11 pounds. It can reach a height of three feet. The Philippine eagle is also known to be the sky giant as it preys on small monkeys. These birds of prey reach a height of 3 feet and the wingspan can be more than 7 feet, they weigh 18 pounds, but due to deforestation, there has been a massive decline in their population and it is facing difficulty in surviving as they have an enormous size.

However, even though the eagles weigh in pounds, they can only carry a weight of 6 pounds in their claws, as their grip strength is 400 pounds per square inch, which can extend up to 700 pounds per square inch.

Habitat of Eagles

Eagles are mostly seen near forest, mountain, and coastal areas. However, due to the loss of habitat, some variants of eagles have become endangered. Efforts are being taken through conservation programs, to ensure that the future generation can witness these majestic birds. 

Hunting Skills of Eagles

The eagles have various hunting skills to capture their prey. They mostly rely on their excellent eyesight, which helps them to spot the prey from a great distance, and then comes the powerful wings, which they use to fly towards their prey. Next, using their talons they sweep the prey from the ground. They can even catch prey mid-air, using precision and swift attacking techniques. Their massive wings help them to dive deep and reach their prey at incredible speed. 

The eagles are even known to snatch away the prey from other birds. Owing to their hunting power, they are also compared with the ground predators, such as lions. Eagles usually prey on small mammals, birds, rodents, and fish and are often seen to feed on carrion. 

5 Largest LIving eagles 

Let’s talk about the 5 most popular eagles now living:

1. Crowned Eagle

The crowned eagle is mostly found in Africa, around the forests, wetlands, and savanna regions. At present, their population is threatened by habitat loss. These birds of prey weigh 2.6 to 4.7 kilos and measure 2.6 to 3.2 feet in length. They have a wingspan of 4.9 to 5.9 feet. These birds are also known as African crowned eagles and they feed on monkeys, rock hyrax, and antelope. These birds are the fastest as well as most ferocious among the eagle variants.

2. Golden Eagle

Golden eagles are found in North America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. Mostly in the forest, shrubland, grassland, rocky cliff, desert, and mountain regions. Their population is the least concerned list. The birds weigh 3 to 6. 1 kilos and are measured to be length of 2.3 to 2.8 feet. They have a wingspan of 6.1 to 7.2 feet and mostly prey on small animals, such as rabbits, squirrels, and groundhogs.

3. Harpy Eagles

Harpy eagles are mostly found in Central and South America near the rainforest region. Their population is threatened due to changes in the climate and environment. They weigh 4.4 to 8. 3 kilos and have a length of 2.8 to 3.5 feet. These birds have a wingspan of 5.8 to 7.3 feet. These birds are quite terrifying looking and any kind of interaction should be avoided. They got their names based on Ancient Greek mythology, where a bird with the body of a vulture and the face of a woman had the duty to take the dead to Hades. 

4. Marital Eagles

Marital Eagles are mostly found in Africa near the savanna, forest, shrubland, wetlands, and grassland areas. Their population is endangered, and declining due to climate change, habitat loss, and air pollution. They weigh 3 to 6 kilos and have a length of 2.6 to 3.1 feet. These birds are also called booted eagles as their upper legs are covered by feathers and they have a wingspan of 6.2 to 7.9 feet. They have large eyes and prey on mammals, reptiles, and small birds, summing up to 170 different food menus. 

5. Philippine Eagle

Philippine Eagles are particularly found in the Philippines region of Asia, and their natural habitat is within the forest. These species of eagle are critically endangered due to deforestation and they weigh 4 to 8 kilo. These birds have a length of 2.8 to 3.4 feet and their wingspan measures 6 to 7.2 feet. These are the longest-known eagles in the world, second heaviest, and have the largest wing surface.

Do Eagles Interact with Humans?

Eagles tend to avoid contact with humans, but they might venture into urban areas or human settlements while scavenging or looking for food. They can be benefited by getting to eat the discarded fishery items or by staying at the landfill sites. It is a myth that eagles carry away human children, rather they prefer to stay away without causing any disturbance.

Can an Eagle Carry a Dog?

The eagle does not have the grip strength to carry a dog and fly for a long distance. They cannot pick up adult dogs but the smalls can be picked, but the eagles rather choose to avoid interacting with dogs.

Which are the Largest Eagles by Weight, Length, and Wingspan?

By weight, the largest eagles are the Steller’s Sea eagles which can weigh around 14.7 pounds and are found in Asia. By length, the Philippine eagle is the largest with 39.4 length, and is mostly found in the Philippines, Asia. The largest eagle by wingspan is White Tailed Sea eagle which measures 86 inches and is located in Europe and Asia.

Do Eagles Have Predators?

No, owing to their hunting instincts and being a large bird of prey, they sit at the top of the food chain. So, there are no animals that can prey on eagles.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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