How Do Birds Know Where Bird Feeders Are? (Answered)

Birds cannot smell properly, yet they can find the bird feeder, as they use their ears and sight. However, it often takes a few days to weeks to locate the new bird feeder, but once they recognize the feeder, they would eat there only.

So, let’s get to the depth and understand how a bird finds a bird feeder.

Can Birds Smell?

Yes, birds can smell but they have a very poor smelling sense. They use other senses, such as vision to look for food, which helps them to locate the food from a distance.

Do Birds Communicate with Each Other About Food?

Yes, Birds communicate with each other while looking for food. Usually, they search for food within their territory and fly around to grasp an aerial view. They also perch on tree branches and look for food. They have their own way of communicating, either chirping or singing. 

The birds also have a mating call and a warning call, which are forms of communication. Thus, it can be concluded that they might also have a calling that informs others about the location of food. Every species of bird has their own way of conveying messages and communicating.

What are the Types of Bird Feeders?

Bird feeders are of three types:

  • Some are placed on the ground for the birds that feed there. 
  • Some feeders are placed above the ground for the birds that fly away with the food. 
  • There are feeders that act as a combination of both – on the ground and above the ground.

How Birds Find a Bird Feeder?

If you want a bird to find a bird feeder easily, then here are the bits of advice that you need to follow:

  • Try to find a safe spot where you can place the feeder. You can place the feeder 15 feet above the ground which makes it easy to locate for the high flying birds.
  • You must also scatter seeds on the ground and near the feeder which enhances the chances of spotting the food source easily by the birds.
  • Always use high-quality bird seeds so that they can attract many more birds and also keep them healthy at the same time. 
  • In case you are replacing the old bird feeder with a new one, then never switch places or choose a new place for the new bird feeder. Place the bird feeder where the old one was kept, thus birds can easily spot it.

When Should You Place a Bird Feeder?

A bird feeder can be placed at any time of the year as birds are found throughout the year worldwide. Moreover, during winter and springtime, you might also witness migratory birds so the bird feeders are in high demand around this time. During the mating season, birds are mostly seen around the feeders as they try to keep themselves nourished. So, if you are willing to keep the bird feeders filled, then they must be kept all year round.

How Long will it Take a Bird to Identify the New Bird Feeder?

Birds are identified to be curious little creatures and they are always on the quest for food. So, if you install a bird feeder today, they would explore it, and analyze that it is not a threat, with good bird seeds placed around the feeder it would build trust. Thus, the entire process can take a week or two, until the birds come over happily to the bird feeder. You need to be patient and give the birds their own pace and comfort to come to the feeder.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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