How Do Birds Know Where Food Is? [Put Feeders at the Right Place]

Birds have a very strong sense to determine whether an object is edible or inedible. Yes, it is true that birds get attracted to shiny and bright-coloured objects but they do not consume them. 

Birds are smart and intelligent creatures, if they can pick up voices around them, then they would also have the capability to locate a food source. 

Let’s get to know how birds use their intelligence to find food.

Which Senses Do Birds Use to Locate Food?

Different species of birds have different food habits and based on that they use their senses either to hunt or search for food. 

Use Their Sight

Birds have a well-developed sight that can focus quite well on distant objects. They also have an atrophied sense of smell, however, it is of less advantage when they are in flight. Many raptor birds have a developed sight for hunting which allows them to look at objects kept at a distance. For example, owls have exceptional night vision and some birds also have a built-in polarization that they use to spot fish beneath the water. 

Use Sense of Hearing

Sense of hearing works for the birds which are hunters and look for prey. Some birds, like owls, also use their hearing sense for hunting or looking for food. Otherwise, if birds communicate about food, then their hearing ability helps them locate the source and location of food.

Use Olfactory Senses

Even with poor olfactory senses, birds can hunt for food as it helps them to avoid the foul scent of certain food or while hunting skunks. However, there are exceptions in the matter of sense of smell as well. It has been found that vultures have a strong sense of smell similar to dogs and that helps them to locate their food, which includes dead and decaying animals. 

Recall Their Memory

Birds also possess a good sense of memory which helps them to recall the place where they found food last time. They also make notes of the landscape and make them as a signal for the presence of food. 

How Frequently Birds Look for Food?

Small and warm-blooded birds eat frequently and this is necessary to keep their energy level high. So, they also need to spend more time and look for food, either they would fly around looking for food or survey the areas from the top of trees or buildings. This helps them to grasp an idea of the presence of food and potential new sources where food would be available. 

Birds also get familiar with bird feeders and look for one, while searching for food. Usually, birds are found in flocks around any food source as it can be assumed that they communicate and inform their mate and other folks about the food or bird feeder.

How to Choose a Bird Feeder to Attract Birds?

If you want to place a bird feeder in your backyard then choose the best color, such as silver or green. You can also go for blue or red as some birds have a special preference for these colors. Alternatively, you can also opt for green, brown, or gray as they blend well and the birds do not feel threatened. These neutral colors act to be part of the environment.

To attract the birds you can keep different types of food sources such as fruits, seeds, mealworms, nectar, and suet. If you have a wide variety of food available, then it would also attract different species of birds but remember that the birds should feel comfortable with the feeding style. So, keep it simple, and natural and try to avoid competitive birds by making the right choice of food. 

Do Birds Feel Uncomfortable to Come to a New Feeder?

Yes, birds do feel uncomfortable when a new bird feeder is introduced and so it might take days or even weeks for the bird to get used to it. Often birds can refuse to visit the feeder because-

  • They feel uncomfortable with the location of the feeder.
  • They are not attracted to the food given in the feeder.
  • There is enough food available in that area so the birds do not depend on a feeder.
  • They are yet to recognize the presence of the new bird feeder.

Do Birds Visit a Bird Feeder Every Day?

Yes, birds visit a bird feeder every day because they start trusting the environment and also get a guarantee that food will be available every day. Birds can also sense whether there is food available without having to perch on the feeder owing to their eyesight. Birds need a lot of food every day to maintain their metabolism and keep themselves energized so even if there is cold or rain they would certainly visit the bird feeder. If the bird feeders are positioned under any form of shelter, then birds can take refuge during heavy rain and storms. 

Should You Hang the Bird Feeder or Keep it on the Ground?

It is always recommended to hang a bird feeder from a tree. But, if you have problematic creatures, such as squirrels or ants, then you can use a free-standing pole and this should be positioned 10 to 12 feet away from the tree. If you keep the bird feeder on the ground then it can attract unwanted guests such as rats and chipmunks. Also, if the seeds fall on the ground it can lead to the growth of weeds, so you need to be careful.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
Articles: 249