How Do Cats Catch Birds? (Explained)

Cats and Birds share a predator-prey relationship, even though birds are fluttery and can fly away after sensing a threat, cats are also built for hunting and are known for their ambushing tactics. They can move towards their prey quickly and swiftly and their muscles and bones help them to do so.

However, cats face difficulty in hunting in low light settings, especially during night and so they emerge during the day and evening, during specific durations. They also have strong vision that helps them to catch their prey.

So, let’s get to know how cats catch birds so that you can prevent such incidents after installing a bird feeder in your backyard.

How Features Make a Cat Hunter?

The features that make cats incredible hunters are – vision, quick moving capability, efficient claws, muscular strength, mighty jaws, sharp teeth, and applying a killing blow using their teeth. They can ambush the prey, i.e., hide themselves and their prey won’t be able to sense their presence and meanwhile, they can plan and execute the attack. Cats also have the capability to pounce and jump high and they can also climb short distances and are known to be opportunist hunters. On the other hand, birds are fragile. 

How the Cat Kills a Bird?

The cat will start stalking the prey and they lower themselves to the ground and monitor the birdโ€™s movement. It will crawl towards the prey taking short but quick movements which are followed by small pauses. When the cat understands that the bird is within its range, it pounces on it, taking perfect aim. 

Before the cat kills the bird, it stuns the animal, and bats it with its paws and thus the bird does not stay in a position to strike back. Next, the cat gives a quick bite in the neck and it snaps the spine and crushes the trachea or it can also snap the carotid artery. Also, if the cat bites the bird, then its toxic saliva can cause infection and kill the prey

What Can You Do to Control the Cat Population?

If you find that the cat population is drastically rising in your area which is affecting the birds, then there are some ideas that you can apply to reduce the number of cats and keep the wildlife balance.

1. TNR program

TNR programs or Trap Neuter and Spay programs are designed to keep a check on the cat’s population. Feral cats can be taken to nearby shelters and a specialized vet would perform the surgery. You can also contact the local NGOs who are working to spray or neuter cats. The ears of the cat are clipped after the surgery as a mark.

2. Keep the Cats Indoor

If you have a house cat, then create a cat-proof home and keep them indoors. You can arrange a catio for the cat to enjoy the outdoors or keep them engaged by buying kennels or play places. This would prevent them from attacking birds and also keep them protected from neighborhood dogs or being hit by a car. Being a responsible pet owner, you can also tie a collar with bells around the neck of the cat, to alert the birds whenever the cat goes near them.

Can All Cats Hunt Birds?

Yes, every cat has the capability to hunt, be it feral or house cat. It has been reported that yearly around 2.4 billion birds get killed by cats. However, some cats choose not to hunt and are quite content with playing with toys or simply watching the birds. Cats might get disinterested in hunting birds but they do have the instinct and can strike at any time.

What Do Cats Mostly Hunt?

Cats mostly hunt birds, mice, rats and moles, chipmunks, and squirrels. Mostly the domestic cats are seen to attack the birds.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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