How Do Chickens Communicate? (Explained)

Chickens use a range of sounds to communicate with each other. They are quite vocal creatures and every sound has a different interpretation. Some can be loud, some can be shrill, while others are softer and hoarse at the same time. 

Roosters hardly sleep and they can be heard crowing almost throughout the day. So, let’s get started with defining some of the sounds made by chickens.

5 Ways a Chicken Communicates

The common noises that can be heard from chickens are baby chicks peeping or hens making a crooning sound while nesting. It has also been reported that chickens hum when they are happy or content. They also have a fighting noise and they use it to express aggression.

Get to know about the sound that can be heard from a chicken coop:

1. Crowing

Crowing is a loud cock-a-doodle-do sound that is known to most people and this can be heard in the morning. The sound indicates that the rooster has become sexually mature.

2. Chucking or Clucking

The chucking or clucking sound can be heard by both roosters and hens, and it sounds like a chuck-chuck or cluck-cluck. This noise is made during conversations and can be heard at any time. It appears as if the chickens are discussing something. They are seen chuckling to their chicks either to instruct them to play or eat.

3. Cackling

The cackling sound they make after laying eggs and it is an instruction to other hens to join the call. It is often meant as a warning that the mother hen does not want anybody to disturb her and nobody should get close to her nest. This is also followed by an angry peck or a growl. 

4. Perp-Perping

The perp-perp sound is made when they want to communicate about food supply. If they have found a good supply of food or want to alert the chicks to a food source, then this sound is made.

5. Rebel Yelling

This rebel yelling sound is a loud howl like an alarm and can be heard when a chicken spots a predator. It is like a warning for other chickens that they must take cover immediately.

6. Growling

This growling noise is made by every chicken and they can hear hens making this noise when someone disturbs them while they are sitting on the eggs. This depicts a warning sound and is usually followed by an attack or peck. 

7. Squawking

When a chicken gets scared or startled and runs away, they make this sound. It is a loud noise and other chickens assume it to be a warning regarding any threat and they too start running. However, depending on the circumstances they might even get attracted to the sound. 

Why Does a Chicken Call in the Morning?

A chicken making noises in the morning is interpreted in 4 ways – 

  • They are hungry and waiting to get their food and water.
  • It is a wake-up call and needs confirmation of who is awake.
  • They want to move out of the coop.
  • They want to run into the pasture feed.

What Does Different Chicken Pitch Indicate?

If the chicken is using brief, quiet, and low notes then it indicates contentment and communal call, while loud, high pitch which continues for a long time, indicates fear, danger, and distress.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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