How Do Chickens Know to Stay in the Yard? (Explained)

Chickens are curious creatures and it becomes hard to stop them from exploring their surroundings. However, when a chicken gets loose, they can become vulnerable to their surrounding activities, such as – predators, wandering into the neighbor’s yard, getting hit by any vehicle, or somebody can even steal it.

To ensure that the chickens remain safe, you need to use simple hacks that would not limit their freedom, but also keep them from escaping the yard.

5 Common Ways to Keep the Chickens Stay in the Yard

You would not want them to wander off, but at the same time, you cannot keep them under lock and key. So, here are the common ways to keep the chickens under control.

1. Get a Chicken Run

If you live near a busy street or busy area and the chickens have to deal with the predators too often, then install backyard chicken runs. It is quite similar to a chicken coop, but a chicken run is meant to provide extra protection and also keep the bird safe during the night. 

You have to attach the chicken run to the chicken coop and it provides the chickens enough space to explore and hang out without wandering off. 

However, before you install a chicken coop you need to determine the space it is going to take. There should be enough space so the chickens can run freely. If the space becomes congested or there is a lack of resources, then it might affect egg production.

2. Clip the Chicken Wings

If you want to keep the chickens from escaping the yard, then you must clip their wings. This is considered the easiest process where you have to trim the primary flight feathers and the long feathers at the front. You can clip only one wing, which would prevent it from flying. 

However, when the wings grow back you need to repeat the process every year as during the molting period the primary feathers grow back.

3. Secure the Base

You need to create a barrier by securing the base of the fence. This would prevent the chickens from digging or squeezing through or under the fence. These birds are quite intelligent and if they find any small gaps or weak spots through the fence, then they tend to slip through them. 

So, close the gaps or any openings using wire mesh or hardware cloth. Using wire mesh you can also create an underground barrier and the chickens cannot dig to escape. 

To create a solid and impenetrable barrier, you can use concrete flooring or attach a poultry net to the ground, preventing the chickens from escaping. Lastly, always use secured latches to ensure that there are no gaps between the gate and the fence.

4. Minimize the Attractions Outside the Yard

If you find that there are potential food sources or enticing elements outside the yards, then eliminate them. These can include compost piles, garbage bins, or any kind of accessible food. These attract the chickens and they wander off from the coop. 

Even uncovered compost heap or spilled grains can attract the chickens. So, try to use solid barriers that would obstruct the chickens’ view and it would keep their curious mind under control.

5. Install Fencing

You can allow the chickens to freely roam the yard without having to leave the area and for that, you need to install wire fencing or mesh on top of the already existing fences. You can also use overhead poultry netting which also prevents predators from getting close to the chickens. 

To keep the chickens within the designated area you can also securely fasten the net to the post, prevent gaps and it should stay taut.

What Type of Fences Can You Install to Keep Chickens within the Boundary?

Here are the best fences that you can install in your yard to keep the chickens within the boundary and prevent them from wandering off.

1. Chicken Wire Fence

You can go for the 1-inch galvanized wire hex fence, which is composed of galvanized wire woven into small hexagonal structures. It is lightweight, easy to handle, and provides enough space for the chickens to move freely. It also protects the chickens from predators, such as dogs. If you want to enhance security, then bury the chicken wire deep into the ground.

2. Welded Wire Fence

You can construct a welded wire fence using thicker welded steel wire and it is known for its stability and durability. You can settle for a height that would protect the chickens from the predators. The mesh size should also be selected based on the requirement. If you live in a wind-prone area, then provide additional support to the post for stability.

3. Electric Fence

If you want to protect the chickens and also keep the predators at a distance, then an electric fence is the effective choice. When anybody comes in close contact with the wire, it delivers a shock that is harmless but memorable. 

Thus, the predators and chickens both will stay away from the fence. However, to set up the electric fence you need to provide a reliable power source and also ensure regular maintenance to keep it functional. They are easy to install, within your budget, and versatile.

4. Poultry Netting

Poultry netting is another versatile option where you can keep and raise the chickens without worrying about them wandering off. These are made of lightweight and durable materials, such as PVC. It also protects the chickens from predators and you can get them of various heights and sizes. Thus, customize it based on your flock size. To stop the chickens from digging and planning an escape, you need to secure the bottom.

Can you Train Chickens?

Yes, you can train chickens and that would mean taming their behavioral activities and preventing them from wandering off the yard. 

  • First, start with training the chickens to recognize specific cues and respond to it accordingly. This would help to create a boundary for them and also help them reinforce an understanding of the area. 
  • Second, verbal commands and positive reinforcement methods are used where you can reward them with treats based on specific actions to get a proper outcome. 
  • Third, you have to be consistent and repeat the actions so that the chickens can learn and respond to your pattern. You need to allow them to get familiar with the routine.

How do Chickens Know When to Return to Coop?

Chickens return to the coop at night or prior to dusk. They have a pineal gland which allows them to sense the difference in daylight and change in seasons.

What is the Best Way to Supervise Free Ranging Flocks?

The best way to supervise the free-ranging flocks is to choose a time period which is mostly prior to dusk. Thus, when the daylight fades, the chickens would automatically come back to the coop. If you have a new flock, then acclimatize them with the coop and surroundings, and then let them off on free range. 

Open the door, so that the chickens can run freely, and they can access the coop based on their will and return home for the evening. Take charge and train them to follow your commands. Learn the alert and warning flock calls, so that chickens start responding. 

Never leave the flocks in a vulnerable condition and keep them within the eye’s range. Always carry treats so that the chickens do not run away and get back safely into the coop. When they return, perform a head count and check the foot pads for any injuries.

What is the Benefit of Free-Ranging?

Supervised free-ranging has subsequent benefits, such as – Eggs being better tasting and having more nutritional value, the chickens being healthier, getting enough exercise, and having sharp toenails. It prevents habits like feather picking and also reduces boredom. It also shows a reduction in food intake and also keeps the garden free from pests and includes composting and soil aeration.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
Articles: 248