How Do I Keep My Fountain Water Clean For Birds?

Installing bird bath fountains not only enhances the aesthetic value of your backyard but also provides a cool spot for the birds to bathe. Thus, you need to keep the bird bath or water fountain clean whenever you notice any buildup.

Let’s dive in to understand how and why you must keep the bird water fountain clean.

9 Step-by-Step Process to Clean Bird Bath Fountain

A bird bath fountain must be cleaned every 30 days, however, based on the buildup, you might have to clean it earlier, too. The cleaning process is quite easy and here are the steps that you need to follow:

Step 1: Turn Off Fountain

The basic steps to start with are to turn off the bird bath fountain and remove the water pump. You must keep the water pump manufacturer’s instruction manual handy so that you do not face any hassle.

Step 2: Empty the Bird Bath

You have to completely empty the bird bath basin and drain out the water. Check if the bird bath fountain is empty and then proceed with cleaning the parts.

Step 3: Spray Out the Dirt

Using a hose, you have to spray on the basin to get rid of the dirt and grime on the surface. Most of the dirt would come off due to the water pressure created by the hose.

Step 4: Scrub it Off

There are areas where the dirt is hard to tackle and you need to use a scrubber to eliminate the debris. While scrubbing, you can fill a bucket with water and add a few drops of dish-cleaning soap to the basin, this will make the work easier.

Step 5: Add Cleaning Ingredients

If scrubbing or spraying water is not enough to remove the dirt buildup, then use other cleaning ingredients. You have to mix one part of chlorine bleach with four parts of water and use this combination as a cleaning solution. Alternative to chlorine bleach, you can also use natural options, such as vinegar.

Step 6: Cover the Bird Bath Fountain

After you are done with the cleaning, you have to cover the fountain basin with a large plastic or any covering cloth so that no animal or bird can come near it. Allow the basin to soak in the cleaning solution for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Step 7: Empty the Basin and Rinse it

After the soaking time is over, you have to empty the basin and rinse it out. While you are handling the cleaning solution, wear gloves for protection and empty the basin. Try not to touch the solution and empty it in a safe location. 

Step 8: Allow the Basin to Air Dry

Clean the basin thoroughly and not a single drop of the cleaning solution should remain. You have to allow the basin to air dry after you have cleaned and rinsed the bath fountain. You can also keep the basin under direct sunlight so that you can reassemble it back and retain its working order.

Step 9: Fill the Fountain

After you have reassembled the pump, you need to fill the bird bath fountain with water and wait for the birds to come back. 

Why Should You Clean the Bird Bath Fountain?

With time, dirt and debris buildup, mineral deposits and algae formation take place and the water in the fountain becomes stale. Thus, making the water toxic for the birds or any other animal who tries to drink. Also, due to the growth of various bacteria, it can become a potential cause of spreading infection among the family members. The bird bath fountain would eventually turn stinky and weary destroying the appearance of the garden.

Why Should You Install a Bird Bath Fountain?

Installing a bird bath in your backyard, can render a visual aesthetics of the place and also attract unique birds. It also provides a calm and soothing sound of the water fountain and you can enjoy nature peacefully.

Is Vinegar Safe for Cleaning Bird Bath Fountain?

To keep the water fountain clean and free from debris you can use a low-maintenance process of cleaning it and waterscaping using vinegar would be the best way out as it is completely safe.

Can You Use Baking Powder to Clean the Bird Bath Fountain?

Yes, baking powder can help to get rid of the algae but if not used the right amount can destroy the color stain on the fountain. Also, if the stains of baking powder are left behind, then it can also harm the birds who visit the fountain.

How to Attract Birds to Bath Fountains?

You can install the bird bath fountain at a shady spot to attract birds, as these feathered creatures prefer to drink and bathe in cool and shaded areas. You can also add a mister or commercial dripper or create a more natural-looking environment.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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