How Do Owls Sleep? (Explained)

Owls are nocturnal so they sleep during the day and hunt or look for food during the night. They are usually found to sleep within the tree cavities or rocky areas, but some species of owl sleep on the ground. 

There are more than 80 different species of owl, and most of them have a unique sleeping behavior. So, letโ€™s get to facts and know-how owls choose their sleeping area.

How Do Owls Sleep?

Owls are usually solitary creatures and they live in areas that are quiet, and sheltered and they can sleep peacefully. They also give preference to safety and there should not be any presence of predators nearby. Usually, one owl is seen sleeping alone, but there are exceptions too.

An Adult owl uses their talons and feet to perch or cling to the branch where they sleep upright, with their heads facing forward, unlike other birds who sleep with their heads tucked under the wings. Young owls lie down while sleeping as their feet are not powerful enough, so they try to find a flat surface or a nest to rest.

Do Eyes Sleep With One Eye Open?

No, when the owls sleep they close their eyes and do not open their eyes during the day as it helps them to stay protected from the strong light. Also, when sun rays fall on the eye of the owl, their bright eyes become easily visible to the predators, so they close their eyes during the day. However, they always stay alert even if they are sleeping and if they sense the presence of any threat or danger, they tend to fly away. They also have the ability to rotate their head 270 degrees which allows them to keep an eye on predators.

At What Time Do Owls Sleep?

Owls are nocturnal birds so they sleep during the day and stay awake at night. Some owls are also seen to be quite flexible with their sleeping hours, as they hunt either early morning or late afternoon, and the rest of the time, they are seen sleeping. 

There are a few exceptional qualities seen in owls too, where the owls are seen sleeping during the night as they are diurnal, such as Snowy owl, Northern hawk owl, and Burrowing owl. Based on the species, there is also a difference seen in their peak activity periods. Some American owls are seen to be active any time of the day and they are called cathemeral species, such as the Barred owl, Great Gray owl, Northern Pygmy owl, and the Short Eared owl.

How Long Does an Owl Sleep?

An owl sleeps for several hours during the day and often they sleep at night during the hunts, which is approx 8 hours. Owlets are recorded to sleep more than 15 hours in a day. However, the timing for the sleeping hours changes based on the environment, the possibility of risk, and the availability of food.

Where Do Owls Sleep?

Based on the species and the habitat of the owls, the preference for the sleeping place changes. They usually choose quiet and sheltered spots which should be safe from predators. They also stay hidden, so that songbirds cannot disturb their sleep. 

Smaller owls choose cavities or birdhouses, the bigger ones choose tree canopy. There is another species of owl that sleep underground by digging a burrow and they are also known as burrowing owls. The snowy owl is also seen to sleep in open spaces such as the Arctic tundra.

The most common places where a birdwatcher can discover an owl are – rocky services, cliffs, caves, birdhouses, trees, burrows, on the ground, etc.

Does an Owl Sleep in the Same Place Every Day?

Yes, once an owl discovers a suitable place to roost, they use the same place to sleep every day. However, migratory birds need to find new roosts, when they are migrating.

Where Does an Owl Sleep During Winter?

During winter, owls choose the same roosting place as it was during the summer. However, the great horned owl is an exception as they are seen to build nests during the winter.ย 

Where Does an Owl Sleep During Rain?

When it is raining heavily, an owl chooses a sheltered area to sleep so that they do not get wet. They are also seen to move to the canopy of trees to protect themselves from the rain.

Where Does a Baby Owl Sleep?

A baby owl does not perch on a branch, rather they are seen sleeping inside the nest. They sleep along with their parents in the same tree even after they are fully ready to fly. 

Does an Owl Have Unihemispheric Slow-Wave Sleeping Ability?

No, an owl doesn’t sleep with one eye open, as they do not have the ability of unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, where half of the bird’s brain stays awake to stay alert. Owls close both their eyes while sleeping.

Do Owls Sleep In Groups?

Owls that have siblings or babies are seen to sleep in groups, whereas adult owls sleep in solitary. Owls are also seen to sleep after forming a pair during the breeding season. However, there is an exception, where the burrowing owl sleeps in colonies. Also, the Short-eared owls are seen to roost together during the winter. It is also a rare sight to see a group of 100 owls roosting together, as seen among the Long Eared owls.

Can Owls be Kept as Pets?

No, owls cannot be kept as pets as it is illegal, as these birds require special care which unskilled people cannot provide.

What Happens if an Owl Wakes Up Suddenly?

If an owl wakes up suddenly, during the day, they feel disoriented and confused. They also need time to adjust to the daylight, which makes it difficult for them to stay active at night.

Why is a Good Sleep Necessary for Owls?

A good sleep keeps the owl energized and they can actively look for prey at night. Maintaining a proper sleep cycle also keeps them healthy and functional, they get to stay recharged constantly and also remain calm. However, the owls that get sleep-deprived become aggressive, agitated, and also fall ill.

How Can You Help an Owl to Sleep Peacefully?

If you want to help the owl get a good sleep, install nesting boxes and keep them posted away from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic urban life, in your backyard.

Do Owls Dream?

Researchers show that baby owls exhibit REM sleep, which is a state where the bird stays in an awake-like state. This is the lightest stage of sleep and the eye keeps moving underneath the eyelids and that too rapidly, indicating that the owl is having vivid dreams. This sleeping pattern is also seen among humans and as they grow old the sleeping pattern of the owl changes.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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