How Do Zoos Keep Birds From Flying Away? (Explained)

Birds can become a challenge to manage due to their flying ability. In zoos, special aviaries are constructed that are spacious and mimic their natural habitats, so that the birds can stay without battling against the cage. 

The enclosure is made of mesh wire and it prevents the bird from escaping by providing enough sunlight and ventilation. Some zoos also apply the method of clipping the feathers of the birds to restrict their flight. 

Other zoos have also applied innovative technology that includes microchipping the animals so that they can be tracked and returned to the enclosure in case they leave the confinement.

Let’s get to the 5 strategies that zoos apply to keep birds from flying away.

5 Strategies Applied by Zoos to Restrict the Flight of Birds 

Here are the common strategies that are implemented by the zookeepers to ensure birds do not escape from the aviary.

1. Physical Barrier

The most basic way of keeping the birds within the enclosure is the physical barrier, where wiring is done around the aviary, or a mesh net is installed to limit the escaping possibility. To limit the headspace, concrete roofs, and overhangs are used above the enclosures. After studying the species of bird and their flight pattern, the barriers are designed, which hinder the flying ability of the bird.

2. Light and Sound Barrier

Noise and light are used in the appropriate combination so that it can create a disruptive environment and a bird cannot fly in this situation as they feel uncomfortable. The noises that can deter the flight of a bird are – distress calls from a bird or predator noise.

3. Creating a Natural Habitat

The most unique way of creating a barrier is to modify the surroundings of the bird into a landscape that looks like the natural habitat or their home environment. This helps to build trust and the birds feel safe, comfortable, and secure and do not intend to fly away. 

4. Netting

Netting is of various types, such as knotted knotless welded, and based on the bird species and the amount of sunlight and air the aviary needs the mesh is employed. Different zoos employ different materials of net, such as nylon, polyethylene, and steel wire. Depending on the avian species’ houses, the aviary material can be mesh wire and steel structure with a roof covering wire mesh or poured concrete structure with double wire mesh top, etc. Only high-quality netting and framework are employed so that the birds cannot rip them off easily. Some zoos also employ multiple aviary systems based on the nature of the bird. 

5. Trimming the Bird Feather

If the aviary is spacious enough, then the bird’s feathers are trimmed so that the movement can be restricted. Zoos have a wing clipping program that includes a trained team of veterinarians and zookeepers who trim the primary flight feathers of the birds on one wing so that they can lift themselves but cannot fly away.

What is Clipping Feathers?

In this method, selective trimming of feathers is done on one wing of the bird which makes the flight unbalanced. The birds are not totally grounded, they can fly up to 6 to 7 feet from the ground but not more than that. This method is applicable for new or injured birds as they need more protection, care, and also time to adjust to the new environment. This method creates a restrictive setting, but not applicable to all species as some use flight to look for food and also as mating rituals. The birds remain unharmed and the feathers that are clipped grow back.

Why are Birds Kept in Zoos?

Zoos are meant to preserve the diversity of animal and bird species. To maintain the decorum of the zoo, the birds should stay within the boundaries of the zoo to ensure safety for both the birds and the visitors. Many practices and measures are implemented by the zoo keepers to keep the birds from flying away from the aviary. 

An enriched environment and a natural-looking habitat are created for the birds so that they can stay unharmed and well. Certain conditions are introduced that can ensure that the birds do not fly away and these discourage the flight. Adequate care is taken by the zoo keepers which includes proper diet, shelter, a clean and hygienic environment, and 24×7 veterinary attention. 

However, during storms or any unspecific or variable reasons the birds can escape from the enclosures. Thus, it becomes a challenge for the zoos to keep the bird species confined in a space.

Can Behaviour Management Stop Birds From Escaping from Zoo?

Yes. Various techniques can also be employed in the zoo to correct the behavior of the birds which involves target training, positive reinforcement, and conditioning methods. The objective is to reduce the chances of the birds to escape or take a flight and this can be achieved through positive interaction with the birds and rewarding them for their good behavior. 

Only a zoo keeper can implement behavioral management strategies and stop the birds from flying away. Activity toys can also be provided so that they stay engaged in a designated space. The birds should be discouraged to counter perch on the wires or overflying the natural boundaries, which keeps them within the territory. 

Along with this, biosecurity protocols should be implemented and the aviaries should be kept under strict observation. The birds won’t try to leave if they are given good food and water at regular intervals and a healthy physical and social lifestyle. Positive reinforcement training also helps to create a strong bond between the birds and the zoo keepers, keeping them grounded.

How Providing Environmental Enrichment Restricts the Birds in the Zoo?

During the implementation of environmental enrichments, the birds in the zoos are provided with activities that mimic their natural habitat, including foraging and nesting. Playing recorded voices of other birds creates a scope of social interaction. Also, providing the presence of other species such as fish and squirrels in the aviary creates a social illusion, reducing stress and depression among the birds. The birds would also not get bored getting the chance of staying socially stimulated, reducing the chance of escaping.

What is the Disadvantage of Keeping Birds in a Zoo?

Keeping birds in the zoo limits their flying ability and they also cannot follow their normal routine of migration. There is also a huge impact on breeding as the physical space decreases.

What Happens if a Bird Escapes from the Zoo?

If a bird escapes from the zoo, the zookeepers immediately start searching high and low. The local wildlife authorities are also informed and after retrieving the bird, special care is taken. However, if the bird is not found, then depending on the species the survival chances vary in the wild.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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