How Long Do Parakeets Live? (Answered)

Parakeets live for 5 to 15 years depending on a lot of factors such as age, health, habitat, environment, predator and more. Parakeets living in captivity are known to live longer than in the wild. In the wild, these birds can live for 10 years to 20 years, but a captive bird is going to live longer based on how they are treated and whether they are from a good breeder.

Letโ€™s get to know about the factors that decide the lifespan of a parakeet.

What is the Difference Between a Parakeet and a Parrot?

A parakeet is used to define birds which have a particular trait, such as long tail feathers and their diet consists mostly of seeds. These are a variant of parrot and are also known as budgerigars, due to their vibrant color and socializing ability.

How Long Can a Pet Parakeet Live?

A pet parakeet can live for 7 to 14 years in captivity and sometimes reach beyond 20 years depending on the optimal temperature they get. The factors that affect a parakeet’s lifespan are exercise, diet, mental stimulation and regular check-ups from the vet. 

How Long Can Parakeets Live in the Wild?

The parakeets living in the wild have a shorter lifespan, when compared with pet parakeets, as they have to face predators and disease and they are always under natural stressors, such as lack of consistent food supply, environmental calamities, habitat destruction and more. 

What Factors Would Increase the Life Expectancy of a Parakeet?

You can easily enhance the life expectancy of a pet parakeet by considering the following factors:


A parakeet must have a balanced diet to enhance their lifespan. A nutritious diet includes a proper amount of fruit, vegetables, grains, high-quality pellets and seeds, which keep the parakeet healthy and they do not suffer from any diseases easily as it boosts their immune system. 


The parakeet requires a daily dose of exercise so that they can stay active which would help them to reach their optimum health. They need to spend time outside the cage for several hours which prevents them from getting stressed. It also gives the bird an opportunity to interact with the owner or socialize with other birds to remove boredom. 

Mental Stimulation 

Parakeets love to socialize so you need to keep them mentally stimulated which overall contributes to their well-being. You can supply them with toys, interact with them, train them and allow them to live in a flock. Without proper care, the parakeet wonโ€™t survive. 

Spacious Cage 

The cage in which the parakeet is kept should have enough space so that it can fly and move around comfortably. Even if it is a small bird, it requires room to fly freely and carry on with movement without hesitation. This would help to reduce your fat and make them active.

Clean Environment 

The cage should be regularly cleaned so that there is no build-up of bacteria or parasites which can affect the health of the parakeet making it fall ill and reducing its lifespan. 

Eliminate Stress 

A parakeet requires a stable and warm environment so that it does not feel nervous and is not provoked or suppressed from showing its feelings. If the parakeet is under stress then it can reduce its lifespan, so you have to keep it away from high-traffic areas or places where the temperature changes frequently. 

Social Interaction 

Parakeets are quite social birds and so they have to live with their own company so that they can interact with the flocks. You must not bring one parakeet but rather at least two so that they can interact with each other and you must also interact with them being a human caretaker.

Veterinary Care 

With regular check-ups of the parakeet, it becomes easy to detect any potential health issue which is underlying. Treating the problem at the earliest can enhance the lifespan of the parakeet. So, you must always keep the number on your speed dial and get an annual checkup done. 

Difference in Lifespan When Compared with Parakeets and Other Birds

The parakeet tends to live longer when compared with small songbirds, such as finches. Also, larger birds such as love birds and parrots have a longer lifespan than finches. Their lifespan can be extended if the owner provides proper nutrition, sanitation, mental stimulation, exercise and care.

Which Color Parakeet Lives Longer?

There is no relation between the color of the parakeet and lifespan. Rather, the healthy lifestyle of the bird decides how long it is going to live. with proper care, it can live beyond 20 years. 

Which is the Oldest Parakeet?

The oldest parakeet is recorded to be Charlie, who lived for 29 years. 

What are the Diseases a Parakeet is Susceptible to?

A parakeet is susceptible to major health issues such as respiratory infections, feather plucking and egg binding which are majorly seen in females. The only way to keep the parakeet healthy is by providing them with a clean and well-ventilated environment along with a balanced diet, opportunities for exercise, mental stimulation and also taking the bird for regular veterinary checkups.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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