How to Attract Birds in Your Backyard? (Explained)

Birds are attracted to food, water and shelter, so if you can provide them these basic needs they would be driven towards your backyard. To attract birds to your backyard you can get a bird feeder or plant various seed-producing plants that birds love. You can also create a hiding or nesting area for the birds in your backyard and keep access to clean and fresh water all the time. There are a variety of other strategies as well that you can implement.

 So, let’s delve deep and understand how and why you must implement these steps to lure the bird.

1. Keep Multiple Bird Feeders

If you want to attract more birds, you have to install multiple bird feeders and different styles. This would bring a variety of bird species. You must fill the feeder with healthy, nutritious and different types of food, such as sunflower seeds, thistle, peanuts, fresh fruits, vegetables chopped into smaller pieces, mealworms, suet, etc. You can also purchase bird feeders and bird seeds that sync well so your backyard is filled with avians throughout the year.

2. Make the Birds Feel Safe

You have to create a natural shelter for the birds so that they feel safe and secure in your backyard. Try to add trees, shrubs, and flowers to the backyard so that it feels seamless. When you plant native plants it also acts as a nesting place for the birds, where they can raise the young ones and it also protects them from predators. You can also keep logs and rocks in your garden to complement the trees and flowering plants so that they provide shelter to the birds during the winter months. 

3. Add a Bird Bath to the Garden

You can add a bird bath to the backyard which would provide fresh water for drinking as well as bathing. You have to get the correct depth while buying a bird bath, and it should be shallow, with a sloped water source and a rough surface where the birds can grip. The ideal depth for a birth bath is 1 to 3 inches and you have to ensure that birds can enjoy the water without risking their life. You can also create a ground-level bird bath which would ensure that your backyard has the most natural water body, like a pond and you can spread feed around it on the ground to attract birds. You can also place heated bird baths during the winter. Alternatively, if you do not have much to spend then offer water to the birds in a small dish

4. Add Water Features

You can also attract the birds by adding moving water, which can be in the form of a waterfall or dripping feature. This would also attract the birds that might not visit regularly. you can also add decorative items and create a bird-oriented pond, which would blend naturally with the surroundings creating a natural habitat for the birds.

5. Keep Access to Clean Water

It is important for the birds to get access to clean water so that they can maintain their well-being. contaminated water can spread disease among the birds. You have to refill and clean the birdbath daily. You can also add water features or pumps and this would enhance the filtration system. However, you must also drain the water source periodically and dry it before refilling it, to maintain hygiene and cleanliness. try not to use any chemical-based cleaning products otherwise, it would prove to be fatal for the birds.

6. Add Nest Box

Nest boxes are also a type of birdhouse, which provide a safe space for the bird during the spring and summer. here they can raise their chicks without the fear of predators. You may be surprised to find that birds lay a clutch of eggs inside the same nest box year after year. you can decide which species of birds would be allowed inside the nest box by changing the diameter of the entrance hole. You can also prove the birds with nest-building materials such as the fallen leaves and twigs which would attract birds to your nest box.

7. Keep a Roost Box for Winter

Most birds suffer due to the lack of proper shelter as everything is frozen cold. The trees lose their leaves and the birds get exposed to predators. Thus, when you keep a roost box it attracts a lot of avan. keep a bigger box, so that many birds can roost together and escape the elements. A typical roost box is also designed to trap the heat, so the birds would stay safe and comfortable.

8. Add Vibrant Colors to the Backyard

Birds get attracted to vibrant colors so you can add colorful elements to the backyard. you can plant different coloured flowering plant species, which is going to add a flash of brilliance to the birdscape. Never use chemical pesticides or herbicides, rather you can create your own compost site. You can also get help from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s yard map to learn about the strategies that would assist you in bird-scaping the backyard. 

9. Grow Seed Producing Plants

You can also grow seed-producing plants in your garden which would be a source of food for the birds and also attract different variants of feathers creatures. use native plants, which are already adapted to the natural environment and local birds enjoy being around. you have to create a thriving ecosystem that would consist of birds, bees, butterflies and different variants of insects. The nectar from flowers and the native insects can become a source of food for the birds. This tiny ecosystem in your backyard would also help in growing the bird population.

How to Protect Bird Feeders?

Use barriers and baffles to deter the pests from invading the bird feeders. You must also make the bird feeder squirrel-proof so that they do not attack the birds or eggs or the feed. You can also paint it with a weather coating to protect it from rain, snow or harsh sunlight, which can deteriorate the material with time.

How to Prevent Overcrowding of Birds?

Keeping multiple or separate bird feeders would solve the problem of overcrowding; so keep them at least 3 to 4 feet apart. You would also understand which bird feeder style is being liked most and increase it in numbers. You can also add ground feeders or cylindrical feeders to lure in Juncos, Blue Jays or even Nuthatches and finches.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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