How to Attract Birds Without a Feeder? (Explained)

You do not need to install a bird feeder to attract birds in your backyard. Plenty of natural sources can invite birds; the most prominent example is growing native plants. You can also install water sources or dry dirt baths, which are equally appealing to birds as bird feeders. You can also build birdhouses or shelters like roost houses in your yard. 

So, if you have any restrictions on using bird feeders, here are the alternative strategies to welcome the birds.

What is the Benefit of Not Using a Bird Feeder?

There are many reasons people choose to avoid bird feeders, such as –

  • Bird feeders attract mice, rats, and other types of rodents. 
  • A bird feeder can attract them instead of birds if you live in areas prone to bear encounters.
  • A bird feeder requires regular maintenance, cleaning, and refiling, which is quite a hassle. 
  • A lot of bird food wastage is seen while using a bird feeder.
  • Some homeowner association rules also prevent the usage of a bird feeder.

6 Ways to Attract Birds Without Bird Feeders

You can create a bird-friendly landscape by considering a perfect combination of a healthy mix of native plants and water sources. Thus, you get to create an ecosystem that would invite birds and also abundant pollinators

1. Grow Native Plants

You have to grow native plants in your garden so that birds can get access to enough food supplies and shelter. This would increase the population of invertebrates and the insect-eating birds would visit you. Birds depend on insects for proteins and water and so during the breeding season, insects are in high demand. 

The native plants, shrubs and trees would definitely attract insects which would further pollinate the flowering plants to produce fruits and vegetables. Many birds are attracted to fruits and berries, so it would act as an additional benefit. You can plant different varieties of fruits as well, such as oranges, plumps, apples, grapes, etc. 

Also, if you are inviting seed-eating birds, then plant seed-producing shrubs. With these strategies, you can create an environment for sparrows, towhees finches, cardinals, dives, goldfinches and many more such birds. 

You can also choose plants that are nectar-producing, which would invite nectar-feeding birds, such as hummingbirds, woodpeckers and orioles, which depend on tubular flowers. 

2. Moving Water

Birds are attracted to the moving sound of water. so you can provide them access to water throughout the year for bathing and drinking. You need to add dripping or moving water. You can install a fountain or birth bath which should not be deeper than 2 inches. To ensure that the birds are safe while taking a bath, in the water bath, you can add flat perching stones. 

You can also install a battery-solar-powered water wiggler or bubbler in the bird bath so that movement is created. To ensure that the birds are safe, you have to replace the water daily, to reduce the spread of bird diseases and it would also keep the water free from debris and dirt. 

Remember, you have to place the water source away from the window so that there is no collision and it should be placed in a shady and partially sunny spot, which would ensure that the predators cannot hide. Alternatively, you can also use a shallow drainage plate that can be used under the potted plants. 

3. Dust Bath

Many wild birds love a dust bath, which is necessary for exfoliating the skin, removing the parasitic insects from the feathers and shedding the loose feathers. By installing a bust bath in your backyard, you can attract birds, such as sparrows, thrushes, wrens and larks. You simply need enough space and dry soil or you can also use builder’s grade sand. 

Remember that if you are putting the soil or sand in a container, it should have drainage holes. To make it a sustainable approach, you can use a kiddie pool, shallow bins or even old tyres to create such a space. Surround it with logs, pavers and rocks to create a bird-friendly environment. You must always place the bird dust bath near a covered or bushy area so that if any predators appear, they can escape quickly.

4. Build Shelter

When you offer resting, preening and nesting for the birds, they feel the area to be safe and protected and so they get more attracted to your backyard. You can plant dense shrubs, vines, coniferous trees or brambles, which would shelter them. Alternatively, you can also install a birdhouse, which should be chosen based on the species of bird you want to attract as the design and entrance hole size differ. 

The birdhouse should be placed 5 feet high and should be placed away from traffic noise or any other sound that can deter the birds. For the winters, installing roosting boxes would be a perfect idea to attract the birds, where they can stay warm and safe.

5. Add Piles of Natural Materials

Birds are attracted to a messy yard, so adding piles of natural debris, such as branches, leaves and grass clipping would be a perfect idea. Creating a pile of debris would also attract the insects which would add up to the daily diet of the bird. It would also provide the birds with nesting material and so they would become a repetitive visitor to your garden. 

If you are adding leaves or dead tree branches to the pile, then with time it will decompose and create a nutrient-rich decomposition that would prove to be beneficial for the soil. You can also add logs so that birds can hide and forage for insects without the fear of predators. 

6. Ground Food

You can also scatter food on the ground for the birds and this would definitely be a welcoming site for large birds, such as grackles, cardinals, grosbeaks and starlings. Also if you are scattering seeds on the ground, the ones left uneaten can sprout and grow into a plant, try to spread seeds of  – sunflowers, peanuts, dried fruits, mealworms or a mixture of different seeds onto the ground. 

However, if you find this option to be messy, then you can use an old cookie sheet or tray to spread the seeds. Remember you need to put this ground food outside at dawn when the birds are actively looking for food. however, never offer bread as it would expand their stomachs and reduce their digestive capacity. It can also prove to be fatal, as even if the belly is full, the bird can starve to death. 

How Long Does it Take to Attract Birds Without a Bird Feeder?

It can take weeks to months to lure birds to your backyard. However, with the natural way of attracting birds, you need to be consistent and allow them to learn that your backyard is safe and protected. Be patient and never let the food source get depleted. Keep the water accessible and always have something interesting to offer them. 

Why Should You Use Native Plants to Attract Birds?

Native plants are easy to find and grow and they can adapt to the climatic conditions. Birds also prefer native plants as they are well adapted to digesting them and know how to use these plants to survive.

How to Choose the Right Plant to Attract Birds in the Backyard?

To attract birds to your backyard, you have to choose native plants and always go for flowering plants, dense foliage, and different variants of plant species. Also, try to avoid pesticides and herbicides.

Which are Common Seed Producing Plants?

The most common seed-producing plants are – sunflower, marigold, thistle, safflower, blazing star, cosmos, and black-eyed Susan.

Which are the Most Common Insect Inviting Birds?

The most common insect-inviting trees are birch, dogwood, white oak, black cherry, black willow, holly, pussy willow, mulberry, holly, elderberry, evergreens, fruit trees, juniper and many garden plants. 

Which Native Grasses can Welcome Wild Birds?

You can grow native grasses such as little bluestem, Indian grass, switchgrass, blue grama and more.

Which Tubular Flowers Tend to Produce a High Amount of Nectar?

The tubular flowers that tend to produce high amounts of nectar are bee balm, daylily, lupine, columbine, foxglove, hollyhock, petunia, cleome, wild bergamot, cardinal flower, wild bergamot and more. Also, azaleas and rhododendrons are known to produce high amounts of nectar and these are red-tond flowers.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
Articles: 249