How to Choose the Right Bird Feeder for Your Parrot?

When you are about to buy a bird feeder you might find multiple options, but among them, you have to pick the best one for your parrot. Also, there are certain factors you need to consider, such as – the size and type of the bird feeder; it should be large enough so that the bird can move about without toppling over it; should be bird-friendly and have ample feeding space. It must have perch space which would not restrict the birdโ€™s movement. Ensure that the feederโ€™s construction is proper but the perch should not be overly tight or cover most of the area of both feet. Lastly, you need to consider portability in case you are traveling with the parrot.

Letโ€™s dive in and get to the details of finding the perfect bird feeder for your feathered friend.

Types of Birds Feeders 

There are various types of bird feeders available in the market such as –

Window Feeders

Window Feeders help you to get a close-up perspective of the feathered friend and this has gained popularity because you can place them on the kitchen or living room window. They are quite simple in structure and can be fixed to the window with the help of a small suction cup. You need to get a sturdy window feeder along with a quality suction cup. The style of the window feeder makes it easy to refill and clean it and other than parrots, it also attracts hummingbirds, cardinals and finches. 

Platform Feeder

Another popular choice is a platform feeder, which is also referred to as a tray bird feeder. Here you would find a tray holding the seeds. This provides little protection, so you might have to place two bird feeders at the same time. Also, ensure that the platform every day to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus. You must get a mesh bottom so that the water can get drained out easily. The attractiveness of these bird feeders depends on where you put them. If you hung them it would attract Chickadees,  if you put them on the ground it would bring in doves, sparrows, and jays. 

Hopper Feeder 

A hopper feeder is also called a house feeder which protects the seed from natural elements. It comes with a roof which is quite convenient for the birds to take shelter. You can put seeds and do not need to refill frequently. You can suspend them with a pole or post and wait for the birds to get attractive. However, you must clean and change the content immediately to prevent the development of infection. These feeders bring in sparrows, finches, cardinals and many other bird variants. 

Tube Feeder

You can find the bird seeds inside a clear plastic tube which has several ports, where the birds perch and feed; this feeder is known as tube feeder or spiral finch tube. The seeds remain protected from natural elements, but you have to clean the inside regularly which becomes quite challenging. Based on the size of the feeder, different species of birds will get attracted to the tube feeder, such as sparrows, chickadees, finches and redpolls. Certain tube feeders also come with perches above the port, which help small birds to feed upside down such as finches. 

Suet Feeder 

If you want to attract new species of parrot, then keep a suet feeder. Here, the birds are seen to perch on the cage and eat the suet. You can hang it between two trees, from a pole or tree branch. However, you have to use this feeder only when the weather is cool or less than 80 degrees. These are easy to refill and due to the design, you do not have to clean it regularly. This bird feeder also attracts woodpeckers, nuthatches and wren.

How to Set Up the Right Bird Feeder for the Parrot?

You need to follow a step-by-step process so that the bird feeder you have installed is able to attract parrots and other varieties of birds. 

Step 1: Research the Type of Birds in Your Area

You have to find out the different varieties of birds you can see in your area and research the one you want to attract. You can either go through the internet to conduct your research or refer to any physical guidebook available in your area.

Step 2: Identify the Type of Food Meant for the Bird 

After you have decided the type of bird you want to attract through the bird feeder; you have to find their favourite food, such as seed, fruit, nectar or suet cakes. If you want to attract a different variety of birds, then you have to find a common food that attracts a diverse range of birds. 

Step 3: Get the Right Bird Feeder 

There are different bird feeders as we have discussed earlier. Based on the pros and cons you have to choose the right one. There are also bird feeders that are designed for a particular species of bird, so based on the location and bird type, you have to choose the bird feeder. You can also get a combination of bird feeders which attract two or more bird species. 

Step 4: Decide the Placement of the Feeder

You have to place the bird feeder in an appropriate place so that it can attract many feathered visitors. You can either hang the bird feeder from a tree or put it up on a pole. There are also ground bird feeders which you can put beside the native flowers. Remember, you have to set up additional baffles for the squirrels and raccoons. Place the feeder in a shady area but get enough sunlight and it should be free from the risk of predators. Also, the bird should have the maximum visibility to fly away in case of threat. 

Step 5: Clean the Feeder Before Filing Food 

You have to clean the feeder thoroughly before you fill it with food to avoid any kind of contamination and keep the birds healthy. This would ensure that they revisit. You can use a bleach solution made of 10% bleach mixed with hot water to clean the feeders. Also, cleaning is important, if you are offering sugary food. Dry the feeder before you refill the seeds. 

Step 6: Add a Bird Bath 

An additional setup that would help to attract a large number of birds to the backyard easily is to get bird birds. Birds always look out for a source of water for either drinking or bathing, so if you provide them with daily clean water and install a bird bath heater during the winter, they will definitely keep coming back. 

How Much Should You Feed the Parrot?

You must feed the bird with the right blend of bird seed, fresh food and other nutrients. As a general guideline, you should provide 1/4 cup of bird feed to a bird every day. Along with that, you have to provide them with supplements such as vegetables, fruits and nuts.ย 

Is the Parrot Getting Enough Food?

Proper nutrition is required for the bird to stay healthy. So, if the bird appears lethargic or underweight, then it is an indication that the bird is not getting proper food. There are other physical signs as well such as baldness of the feathers, slow growth rate, dull eyes and more. To rectify this, you have to offer high-quality ingredients in the correct proportion. Based on the meal time and taking advice from the vet, you have to either increase or decrease the food proportions. 

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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