How to Choose the Right Oriole Feeder for Your Needs?

Orioles make the backyard environment look vibrant due to their orange and black plumage. So, if you want to attract them you have to place the feeder strategically. The best time for orioles to visit these feeders is during spring and summer. 

Letโ€™s get to know how you can optimize the position of the oriole feeder and make the place an idle spot for oriole bird watching. 

Understanding the Oriole Species

In the United States, you can find 9 species of oriole species and among them 5 are mostly pre-dominant. If you want to attract these birds, you have to understand their habitat range, migratory patterns and identify their feeding habits. Each species has a distinct behavior and when you get to understand these variations, you can easily identify them as well as get an oriole feeder tailored for the species. 

Types of Oriole Feeder

There is a diverse range of oriole feeders available in the market but based on the species you want to crater you have to pick a feeder to provide a hospitable environment in your backyard.

Nectar Feeder

Nectar feeders are chosen during the early months when the orioles return from migration. These feeders provide the chance to offer the birds high-energy sugar water and there should be perches available as the birds do not hover around the food, but rather perch and eat.

Jelly Feeder

Orioles love sweet food and grape jelly can be the best bet to attract them. so get a jelly feeder and set it up during the springtime, when the food demand among the birds is at its peak. These feeders prevent being messy and also come with deters for ants and other pests. The jelly is easy to access and so the orioles are encouraged to return.

Fruit Feeders

Fruit feeders are meant to offer fresh fruits to the birds and you can use this opportunity to provide the orioles with slices of orange and other fruits. you can hang this feeder with a peg easily and they are secure and long-lasting

Multiple Feeder

These feeders are specifically meant for orioles as here you can offer the birds nectar, fruits as well as jelly all at the same time, as these have different compartments for different kinds of food.

Where to Place the Oriole Feeder? 

Oriole can become aggressive due to the presence of other feeding stations in the same area so try to minimize the conflict and give a designated feeding zone for every bird species, if you want more birds to visit your backyard. Here are the rules that you must follow to find an ideal place for an oriole feeder:

Choosing a Perfect Height 

You must place the feeder at least six feet above the ground which prevents ground predators from reaching out. You can also suspend the feeder from a tree branch or get a shepherd hook to optimize the height.

Easily Visible 

The bird feeder should be placed in a location which is easily visible from their natural perch. It should be placed in an open area away from dense foliage and no obstructing structure should be around, so that the orioles can comfortably approach it. 

Proximity Covered 

Orioles appreciate the things that are placed nearby such as shrubs and trees, and they should feel less threatened. So, the feeder should be 15 feet of thick vegetation. If you find the oriole nesting in the yard, then choose a perfect nesting area which would provide a safe distance between the feeder and the breeding ground.

Orientation of the Sun 

Orioles are generally active during the morning and evening and they choose this time because the sun is lower in the sky. So, you have to choose a location which does not get direct sunlight and it should be filled with food during their prime feeding time. 

How to Choose the Right Oriole Feeder?

  • Orioles being finicky birds you have to choose a feeder which has perches so that they can easily grip and feed.ย 
  • While choosing nectar feeders, you have to get built-in bee and ant guards.ย 
  • You can also get jelly and an orange feeder, but this should be placed in the shade so that the jelly does not get fermented too quickly.ย 
  • You must also check the durability and longevity and whether the feeder can withstand the changing climatic conditions. It must have labels like “weatherproof and water-proof”.
  • Be mindful of the construction, so that the contents kept inside remain dry, and it must also be leak-proof.
  • It must have a roof-like structure to keep the food inside shielded from rain.
  • There are a few features that you can consider, such as UV-resistant plastic, stainless steel elements, all-weather label, dishwasher safe and easy to maintain.ย 

How to Maintain the Oriole Feeder?

Keep a well-maintained and clean oriole feeder, so that the birds keep coming back. Wash the feeder with hot water at least once a week and replace the fermented or spoiled nectar or jelly immediately; this would prevent the chances of mold formation. Always choose to provide high quality food to ensure an inviting meal for the orioles and it does maximize the chances of food staying fresh for a long time.

How can You Attract an Oriole to Your Backyard? 

Here are the factors you must consider to attract orioles to the backyard:

Choose the Right Location 

If you want to attract orioles then placing the oriole feeder at the right location can make all the difference. Also, there should be a consistent availability of food for the birds. 

Proximity of Natural Food

Orioles love nectar and fruit, so you have to choose a spot that provides them with natural food, such as fruit trees and berries. Thus, orioles will get a complementary foraging habitat along with the food you provide in the birdfeeder. 

Proper Shelter

You have to maintain a perfect balance between Sun and shade, so place the feeder in a partially shady spot. It can be near a tree or shrub; this would help the birds to regulate their temperature. Also, it would provide them with a valuable shelter and perching spot. When you provide a secure shelter for the orioles, it makes a more welcoming environment for the birds.

Visibility and Access

Place the bird feeder in such a location with food that offers good visibility to the oriole so that if they find any threat they can fly away or they can easily scan the area while perching on the bird feeder. The area should not be too obstructed or closed, otherwise birds might avoid visiting the backyard or easily approach the feeder. 

Maintain Distance from One Feeder to Another

If you have placed more than one bird feeder in your backyard, then they should be kept at least 15 feet away from each other. This placement plan helps to minimize conflict and also creates a comfortable visiting environment for the orioles. Usually, orioles try to avoid areas which become too competitive for the resources. So, when you maintain a reasonable distance you can eliminate this problem.

Protection from Predator

Orioles are haunted by cats, hawks and other large birds, so the feeder should be placed in a position which offers them a certain degree of protection. It can be placed near dense foliage or you can create a physical barrier to prevent predators. If the Orioles consider the backyard to be safe, then it would encourage them to visit every day. 

Maintain Accessibility 

You have to consider the ease of refilling and cleaning the bird feeder while you are selecting the location. Choose the area where you can easily reach out to and maintain the feeder. A clean environment makes the area appealing for the orioles and also ensures that they don’t fall sick.

Which Type of Birds are Attracted to Oriole Feeders?

The birds attractive to real feeders are Northern mockingbird, rose-breasted grosbeaks summer tanagers, scarlet tanagers, and finches that loves the sweet nectars and are also seen to visit the oriole feeders to find insects 

Why do Orioles Stop Coming to the Feeder?

With the change in season, the Oriole’s food choices also change. They switch from fresh food to insects, during late April to mid-October and this is the time when they are seen quite rarely in your area.

Can You Put Oranges in Your Orioles Bird Feeder?

The best time to put oranges in orioles’ feeders is during spring when they have just come off from hibernation and are looking for fresh food.

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
Articles: 248