How to Choose the Right Birdhouse Plan?

You would find different types of birdhouses available in a market, each having a different woodworking plan. Among these, you have to choose the best birdhouse that fits well with the birds you want to attract. 

When it comes to selecting the right birdhouse and raising their family, birds are very much selective. They will not just take up any birdhouse; they look for safety and comfort.

So, let’s get to the details and understand how you can choose the right birdhouse to attract birds.ย 

Types of Birdhouse 

Basically there are two types of birdhouses: The decorative piece – which is meant for display and the Functional nest box – which is designed for birds who build a nest. 

Decorative Birdhouse 

Decorative birdhouses are meant to create visual interest. They might not be suitable for fulfilling the nesting requirements of the birds, but they are perfect for garden art and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the garden.

Functional Birdhouse 

Functional Birdhouses are designed to meet the requirements of the bird. They offer protection from the elements, of predators and also have adequate ventilation so that a bird can start their family. It might not be as decorative, but you can easily monitor the nest. Also, it can be easily cleaned after the brood has left.

Most importantly these functional birdhouses come with appropriate entrance sizes which are either large enough for the adult bird to enter or small enough to keep away unwelcoming competitiveness.

Factors to Consider for a Bird-Friendly Bird House 

Among the several important characters, here we have listed the important ones that you should consider while getting the right birdhouse for your backyard: 

Attracting the Right Birds 

Not all birds will move into the birdhouse and build a nest; rather these birdhouses are designed for the species of avian, who are also called cavity nesters. They build nests in cavities, such as bluebirds, woodpecker chickadees, wrens, and purple martins.

Most of the cavity-nesting birds cannot carve the hole in the tree and so they have to rely on other birds, such as woodpeckers to create the hole or rely on natural hollows created in the tree trunk. As the natural nesting size is declining and birds are going through habitat loss, they are choosing birdhouses as an important spot for their nesting period. 

Getting the Right Size Bird House 

Birds wonโ€™t visit the birdhouse that does not meet their basic requirements. So, you have to take care of the dimensions and the diameter of the entrance hole. Also, you have to notice the floor space of the nest box and the distance from the floor to the entrance hole.

Small cavity-nesting birds or the songbirds prefer a net box of 4 x 4 dimensions, bluebirds prefer 5 x 5. All the native birds can enter the birdhouse if the diameter is 1 ยฝโ€ and it would also prevent unwanted visits from house sparrows and European starlings. Also, the entrance should be positioned at least 5 inches above the nest box floor.

What about the Bigger Birds Who Need Birdhouses? 

Different-sized birds have different requirements; larger birds such as woodpeckers or wood ducks need more space inside the birdhouse. So, there should be enough floor space and the entrance hole should be properly sized for a bigger birdhouse.

Using the Right Materials 

When you are constructing a nesting box, it should be properly made with weather-resistant material. You can use pine, redwood and cedar; which can make the box last for many upcoming breeding seasons. You can also make birdhouses out of recycled plastic. However, never go for a metal house during the summer days as they can overheat and make it uncomfortable for the birds to rest. Also, you have to avoid birdhouses made out of treated wood and never paint the interior side of the nest box. 

Protection from Storm

You have to choose a birdhouse that has an oversized roof, which covers the nest box to protect it from the storm or rain. The roof helps to keep away the rain from the entrance of the birdhouse. However, even if the rain enters the birdhouse, the floor should have proper drainage holes so that the water can escape. This would also increase the air circulation inside the nest box and keep the birds comfortable during the summer. 

Protection from Predators

The birdhouse should be made out of quality materials, with solid construction so that it can protect the birds even when predators, like raccoons attack; you can add a Predator guard near the entrance hole to provide added production. If there are any outside perch, remove it otherwise, it can become beneficial for the competitors and predators. 

Hang the Birdhouse at the Right Spot 

You have to hang the birdhouse at the right height which would attract all the local birds. The best way to place a birdhouse is to put up a wood or metal pole along with a predator guard. Also, the poles should be at least 5 feet above the ground. The birdhouse should be away from the bushes or placed where the predators hide.

Prepare the Right Environment 

When you put out the right birdhouse your job is not done. You need to attract the birds so that they can stay inside the birdhouse without any complaint. You need to create the perfect environment while offering several food sources; also include fresh drinking water. For a welcoming environment, you can add a birth bath next to the bird feeders. Plant native shrubs and trees that would provide the birds natural food source and foraging opportunities. 

Is it Necessary to Clean the Birdhouse Regularly?

Yes, you must clean the birdhouse regularly as it prevents contamination and infestation of mites and parasites. Thus, it protects the birds from dreadful diseases and other health problems. You must clean the entire birdhouse at least once a year, using soap and water and removing the old nesting. Rinse the birdhouse properly and allow it to dry naturally before placing it back in its position. 

Sayan Dutta
Sayan Dutta
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